010: Explaining

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*No One's POV*

Direct Messages
Baddest Bitches

Blonde Bitch
Vanessa whateveryourmiddlenameis Jacobs!!

Brunette Bitch
Get in here right now!

LochNess Monster
Ok, ok. Jeez
LochNess Monster

Blonde Bitch

Singing Bitch
You know exactly what!

LochNess Monster

LochNess Monster

Brunette Bitch
Yeah that!

LochNess Monster
Look guys, it was rlly nothing

Singing Bitch
I'm adding Rosie

Singing Bitch added Flower Girl
Singing Bitch changed 'Flower Girl' to Flower Bitch

Flower Bitch

Blonde Bitch
Hi Rosie! I've been wanting to talk to you for so long!

Flower Bitch
Omg same! This is Mads I'm guessing?

Brunette Bitch
Yeah! And this is Maddie!

Flower Bitch
It's so good to finally talk to you guys!

Blonde Bitch
You too

Singing Bitch

Brunette Bitch

Flower Bitch
Right, sry Soph!
Flower Bitch
Vanessa what happened!

Blonde Bitch
Tell us everything!

Brunette Bitch

LochNess Monster
There's nothing to tell...

Singing Bitch
Girl there has to be smth!

Brunette Bitch
You guys basically went on a date!

LochNess Monster
It was not a date! When we were at the beach he suggested that we hang out sometime like we used to. We used to just go out in the middle of the night! It was nothing!

Flower Bitch
When you guys used to do that you were dating

Singing Bitch

Blonde Bitch

Brunette Bitch

LochNess Monster
It was nothing! Honestly!
LochNess Monster
Plus, he's with Elaine, so even if we wanted to get back together we couldn't. He would never leave someone just for someone else, it's not him

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