013: Texts

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*No One's POV*

Direct Messages
Baddest Bitches

Flower Bitch
Everyone get in here now!

Singing Bitch
Ness she's talking about you!

Brunette Bitch
Ness now!

Blonde Bitch
V, I swear to god, if you don't answer-

LochNess Monster
Alright, alright. I'm here

Singing Bitch

Blonde Bitch
You owe us an explanation!

Brunette Bitch
Right now!

LochNess Monster
Chill out. What do you want to know?

Flower Bitch
You know exactly what we want to know!

Blonde Bitch
Why the hell were you and Rudy cuddling?!

Singing Bitch
Did something happen between you two??

LochNess Monster

Brunette Bitch

LochNess Monster
Itwasn' likethat!Weweredrunkandlaughingandthenallofasuddenhetoldmethathestilllovesme.Ididn'tknowhowtoreactandsohejustkissedme

Flower Bitch
So you didn't initiate it?

LochNess Monster
What? No! I would never do that to anyone! We kinda got caught up in the moment and then when I realized what was happening I pulled away. He was so sad, it broke my heart honestly. I told him we'd talk things out in the morning and then I tried to go back to my room but he basically begged me to stay and so I did bc I couldn't say no to his cute puppy eyes and then we ended up cuddling
LochNess Monster
Sorry for the rant

Brunette Bitch
Nah, you're good
Brunette Bitch
Have you guys talked about it yet?

LochNess Monster
No, he had an earlier call time than me. When I woke up he was gone. I was planning on talking to him later tonight though

Blonde Bitch
As long as you guys talk

Singing Bitch
Singing Bitch
Do you regret it?

LochNess Monster
Is it wrong to say no?
LochNess Monster
I mean, I don't want him to cheat on Elaine, and I feel rlly bad, but like, I've missed him so much, you know?

Brunette Bitch
Don't worry, we totally get it

Flower Bitch
You guys are meant for each other. Everything will work out

LochNess Monster
You think so?

Blonde Bitch
We abso-fucking-lutely know so

Singing Bitch
Mads! There are children in this gc!

Flower Bitch
I'm almost 20 years old!

Singing Bitch
Exactly, child

Brunette Bitch
Back in topic
Brunette Bitch
Don't worry V, everything between you and Rudy will be fine. I promise

LochNess Monster
Thanks girls. I seriously don't know what id do without you

Blonde Bitch
Probably die. Good thing you'll never find out tho

Singing Bitch
Guess there's one last thing to take care of

LochNess Monster
What's that?

Singing Bitch changed LochNess Monster to Rudy's Bitch

Rudy's Bitch
Are you fucking kidding me?!

Singing Bitch
What? It fits 🤷🏼‍♀️

Blonde Bitch
It totally does

Brunette Bitch

Flower Bitch
And now you're a bitch like the rest of us😊

Rudy's Bitch
I'm so done with you guys 🙄

Brunette Bitch
Don't deny it, you know it's true

Blonde Bitch
And you love us

Rudy's Bitch
Whatever helps you sleep at night



Just a lil' chapter. I'm a little busy today but I still wanted to get this chapter out.

I hope you guys have a good day/night. Don't forget to vote and comment, and make sure to drink some water!

Thx for reading, The Author

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