031: Date Night Girls

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*Vanessa's POV*

I let out a semi-shaky breath as I looked over my now finished makeup. Why am I so nervous? Me and Rudy have done this countless times before. Except this time it's actually an official date.

Made gripped my shoulders and laughed. "Relax! You have nothing to worry about!"

I sigh out a small laugh. "I know, I know. I don't know why I'm so nervous." I inform the blonde.

"Well just remember that the two of you were made for each other and everything will play out exactly as it should." she tries to reassure.

I put my hand over hers, squeezed it slightly, and smiled at her in thanks. She squeezed back then moved towards the closet where Maddie was hiding out.

"Got anything?" Mads asks. Maddie steps out with two outfits in her hands.

"I don't know between these two. She'd look great in both, but I need another opinion." Maddie says, holding out the outfits so we could see them better.

One was an absolutely stunning spaghetti strap black dress that fell about mid-thigh. There was a small glitter patch on the upper right of the dress. The other was just as stunning. It was a slightly off white and off the shoulder dress. The straps were a little thicker and it fell down to a little above the knees, and it wasn't as tight as the first dress.

The Maddie's studied both of the dresses before they both looked towards the door and yelled "Rosie!"

I winced slightly but only a few seconds later did my little sister come barging into the room.

"What's up? I was getting the wine!" she says. Maddie holds up the dresses.

"Which one?" they both ask. Rosie looks at them then pulls out her phone, mumbling about just asking him.

We all looked at her confused but then she looks up with a smile on her face. "Black one." she states simply.

We all giggle and Maddie thrusts the black dress towards me. "Go change!"

We giggle some more as I head towards the closet. Before I can change though, Sophie comes in with a Cheshire grin on her face.

"Guess what special someone just dropped these off!" she shouts. Sophie walks over to us with a ginormous bouquet of flowers. We all giggle and squeal as she hands them to me.

"Oh my god!" I exclaim. They were absolutely beautiful and smelled amazing. As I was looking at them I noticed the little card. I picked it up and smiled at the tiny message scrolled on it.


I can't wait to see you tonight. I'm so happy that you decided to actually give me a chance, and I can't stop smiling just thinking about you. Both the boys and girls yelled at me when I said I wanted to drop these off myself, but Drew jumped at the opportunity to deliver them and see Soph.

I can't wait for tonight.

Love, Rudy

I smiled and may have teared up just a little bit reading it. I heard the sound of a camera and looked up to see Maddie taking a picture and immediately hid my face, but I couldn't wipe the smile off.

Finally, I was able to escape the girls and go into the closet to change. The smile never once leaving my face.

Once I stepped out, they all gasped. I immediately thought the worst and started anxiously ironing out the sides of the dress with my hands. They all rushed towards me and immediately started complimenting me.

We all stood there giggling and chatting and we gradually made our way downstairs and towards the wine.

We were all laughing when we heard a knock at the door that may or may not have startled us a bit. We laughed that off then Sophie and Mads went to get the door while Maddie and Rosie gave me a final once over.

I took a deep breath and rounded the corner to the front door. There, with yet another bouquet in his hands, wearing a black suit, was Rudy.

We sat there, staring at each other, and I swear time stopped. It was like we were back in high school, and nothing ever changed. We never broke up and we never split ways. There were no exes, no Elaine, it was just us.

Someone cleared their throat and we both snapped out of it, but neither of us could stop smiling. I finished walking all the way towards him and he held out the flowers towards me.

"More?" I questioned, raising a brow. He shrugged and had a sheepish look on his face.

"I couldn't resist. I saw both of them and couldn't decide." he said, almost like he thought he made the wrong choice. I shook my head and chuckled.

"They're beautiful, Rudy. Thank you." I tell him and kiss his cheek. He immediately wraps an arm around my waist and smiles brightly.

The girls all awe and giggle, then Maddie takes the flowers and winks.

Sophie smiles brightly. "You kids get out of here and have fun. But not too much fun if you know what I mean." she says with a wink and a smirk. Me and Rudy both roll our eyes but before we could go Mads hugs me and whispers in my ear.

"Text us everything!" she says excitedly. I give her an 'of course' look and then we walk out the door.

As soon as the door closed I turned to him and readjusted his collar. "Lookin' spiffy, Ruds." I say, chuckling.

"Why thank you, Nessy. And you're looking as radiant as ever." he replies. We hear giggling on the other side of the door and chuckle to ourselves as well.

Rudy holds out his arm for me which I gladly except with a bright smile.

We make our way down the hall and to his car, where he opens the door for me and then runs to the other side. I laugh at him and watch as he climbs in.

This is gonna be a fun night.



Me???? Actually updating??? What???? I'm so sorry that I've been a little MIA but I have Christmas break coming up soon so I should be able to update more after that! Also, for the next part I was thinking of doing it from Rudy's POV and like, when he's getting ready with the boys and stuff. Would you guys be interested in that?

I also have the chapter after that all planned out and ready so it should be out at the same time as the next chapter. Thank you all so so SO much for all the reads! It is absolutely amazing and you have no idea how much I appreciate each and every one of you!!

I hope you have a great day/night, and remember to drink some water and eat something. Please remember to vote and comment too!

Thx for reading, The Author

1022 Words

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