024: "What?"

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*No One's POV*

"...It's Charlie." Sarah says. Vanessa was confused, what was wrong with Charlie? Did something happen to him? It had only been a few days.

"What do you mean?" She asked, starting to get scared. "Did something happen?"

From the other side of the line, Vanessa could hear Sarah sigh heavily and almost, sadly. "Ness, I'm really sorry..."

At this Vanessa was terrified. "What happened, Sarah?"

"Charlie, h-he's..." she stuttered out. It was like she didn't want to tell Vanessa what happened, for Vanessa's sake and her own.

"Sarah I swear to god, tell me what the fuck happened." She said. Rudy looked at the girl curiously but she ignored him. She had to find out what was wrong with Charlie.

"He's dying, V." Sarah finally admitted. Vanessa stood, in shock. Rudy noticed the girls change in demeanor and went closer to her, but she just continued to stare blankly.

"What?" She was barely able to croak out.

"He was diagnosed with prostate and pancreatic cancer. We didn't find the pancreatic cancer until later though, so no matter what there was no way we could save him. He went down to see you just as a final goodbye." Sarah explained.

That was it, that's what broke Vanessa. Her knees buckled and right before she hit the floor Rudy caught her, holding her in his arms as she sobbed into the phone. Since he was standing so close to her, he could hear every word that Sarah said.

Cancer? Really? Out of all things cancer had to take yet another life. And a great one at that. Rudy was in shock too, although he was extremely jealous of Charlie while he was here he had grown to like the guy, and even bond with him a little.

Vanessa couldn't believe it. Charlie was dying? And there was absolutely nothing that anyone could do to stop it. No medicine, no treatments, nothing. He would just be gone. Just like that.

"I'm so sorry V." Sarah said, Vanessa couldn't respond through her sobs, though.

"I-I need-d to s-see him." She was able to choke out. "Please."

Rudy looked at her amazed but didn't quite process what she was saying. Sarah's heavy sigh could be heard through the phone.

"I don't think that's the best id-" she started but was caught off by Vanessa.

"Please." The girl practically begged. She had to see him, one last time. Now that she knew the truth she had to give him a proper goodbye.

"Ok. Ok. Fine. We don't know how long he has, only that it could be any day. If you want to see him you better hurry. We're back at our parents house in Alaska. I'll tell everyone you're coming and we can work it all out." Sarah finally agrees.

V started nodding through her sobs. "Thank you, really. I'll get time off work and be there as soon as I can." She said almost rushed.

"Ok." Sarah said. "See you soon."

After mumbling a goodbye and hanging up, Vanessa really broke down, Rudy sat there cradling her and rocking her back and forth, until she finally cried herself to sleep.

Rudy picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room, tucking her in and kissing her on the forehead. Before he could leave though, Vanessa grabbed his hand.

"Please stay." She mumbled so quietly Rudy had to strain to hear. "I don't want to be alone right now."

The blonde boy nodded and climbed into bed with Vanessa, cradling her to his chest once again. They were still in this position when the rest of the cast returned home, though none of them could see the tear stains covering both of the old lover's faces.

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