018: Surprise Visitor

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*No One's POV*

It was a few weeks after the night in. Filming was going great, and they were going to move to Barbados to start filming there pretty soon. Vanessa was excited, she didn't travel very often but when she did she loved it.

Even though she didn't have to film anything in Barbados, she was still really looking forward to going. Just imagine it, the sun, the beach, all of her friends. It sounded amazing and so much fun to her.

Lately, her and Rudy had been spending a lot of time together. They were getting so much closer again to. And when Rudy and Vanessa weren't together, it was Rudy and Rose. They were like family. Rudy was the big brother that Rose never had. She was so happy when Rudy and V started hanging out way back when, and was even more ecstatic when the two started dating.

Right now, V and Rudy were lounging around in their shared apartments living room. Today was one of the last days of filming before they had to pack to go to Barbados, and Rudy and Vanessa had already finished filming for the day.

Rudy and Vanessa were in the middle of watching  The Lorax and stuffing their faces with popcorn and different snacks. All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door.  The two looked at each other curiously, before V got up and started walking to the door.

Rudy got up too, following her l, but neither of them were expecting who was on the other side. When Vanessa opened the door, she went to say hello, but instead she said "Charlie?"

On the other side of the door, was her ex, Charlie. Sure they had texted a lot and kept in touch, but they hadn't physically seen each other in a long while. Hence why it was so surprising for him to be standing right in front of her.

"Hey, Ness." Charlie said, scratching the back of his neck. It took a minute for Vanessa to register what was going on, but when she did a huge smile made it's way onto her face and she jumped into a hug with him. 

"Charlie! What're you doing here?!" The brunette said, still hugging her ex. Rudy was staring at the two in the background, for some reason he had this odd feeling in the pit of his stomach that he just couldn't place.

"I came to see you! It's been such a long time I thought I'd come surprise you!" Charlie answered her. They both laughed and the girl welcomed him in. Rudy stepped to the side, still having that feeling in his stomach.

"Oh! How could I forget? Charlie, this is Rudy, Rudy, Charlie." Vanessa introduced the two. They both nodded to each other, a weird tension in the air. Vanessa cleared her throat, "So Charlie, how long are you staying? Gotta make sure we have enough time to show you around."

Charlie laughed at how excited Vanessa was, she really hadn't changed in all the time he had known her. He was really gonna miss her.

"I'll only be here a few days. But that should be plenty of time for all of your plans." The two laughed once more, before making their way to the living room to sit and talk more.


NessyJ posted

NessyJ posted

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Tagged: @C_Mathews•••Liked by @Sophie

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Tagged: @C_Mathews
Liked by @Sophie.Clawss, @C_Mathews and 4.5m others
NessyJ look who decided to visit! I'm so happy he's here!


@C_Mathews I'm happy to be here too!

@Rosie_Girly Charlie!
~@C_Mathews Rosie!
~Username1 ^^ this is amazing

@madelyncline it was so nice to meet you!
~@madisonbaileybabe ^^
~@C_Mathews it was so nice to meet you as well!

Username7 her ex??? What's he doing here?
~Username8 prolly just visiting her. Their still friends after all.
~Username12 yeah, but what about Rudy? Aren't they together again?
~Username5 🤷‍♀️

Username27 she's kind of a whore. First it's Rudy, then Charlie, who's next?
~@rudeth she's actually the complete opposite. Ness is an amazing person and if you think she's a whore then it's quite obvious that you just commented this for the attention. Anyone can see how kind she is and that she is just friends with her exes, which is actually quite remarkable. It's ok to stay friends with someone you used to be in a relationship with, and just because you hangout with said friends doesn't make you a whore.
~@C_Mathews I couldn't have said it better myself. I just decided to come surprise one of my closest friends, there shouldn't be anything wrong with that. If your only joy in life comes from putting others down, maybe you should take a good long look at yourself and start treating others better.
~@NessyJ thank you guys, really. I'm not ashamed to be hanging out with my exes. And no matter how much people like you try to put me down, I won't listen. I don't do anything purely for the fame or attention or money, I do it because I enjoy it. Rudy and Charlie are both my friends and I won't let what anyone says ruin my friendships with them.

@Sarah_Mathews how am I related to you?🙄🤦‍♀️
~@C_Mathews love you too sis😘

@hichasestokes I never realized how much tea we had🤔
~@rudeth ^^🤔
~@NessyJ boyz🙄


Sorry for the rlly long chapter, I just really wanted to update. So Charlie finally is actually a part of the story, don't worry, he'll be a lot more important in a chapter or two. Thank you for all the reads! It means so much to me you have no idea!

I hope you have a great day/night, don't forget to drink some water, and please vote and comment bc it really helps.

Thx for reading, The Author

882 Words

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