026: Final Goodbyes

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Rudy and Vanessa arrived in Alaska late at night. Sarah picked them up at the airport and the first thing Vanessa did when she saw her was hug her.

After they pulled away, Sarah went to hug Rudy too. After they pulled away, the three got into the car.

"How is he?" Vanessa asked Sarah.

"He's....mostly just tired. He's getting weaker and um, there are fewer lucid moments but I'm sure you'll be able to talk to him." Sarah replied, smiling tightly at Vanessa.

Vanessa smiled back. Rudy could tell she was getting a little stressed and worried, so he took her hand and squeezed it gently. Vanessa gave home a tight lipped grateful smile as she squeezed back.

Pulling up to the Mathews household, Sarah started, "Ok, be a little extra quiet here." Vanessa and Rudy nodded in understanding.

As soon as they walked through the door, Amanda, Charlie's mom, got up and hugged her.

"Oh. I'm so glad you're here." Amanda said. She then went over to Rudy and hugged him.

"Thank you for coming. It's nice to meet you." She said, making Rudy smile.

"Of course, Mrs. Mathews. I'm glad to be here." Rudy said.

"Oh." She waved her hand dismissively. "That makes me sound old. Please, call me Amanda."

Rudy smiled, "Amanda it is." They both chuckled.

Next, Olivia, Ava, and Noah, Charlie's siblings, each hugged Vanessa then introduced themselves to Rudy.

They each made their way back to Charlie's bedside. Vanessa took a deep breath in as she saw the sight of him.

Charlie's appearance reflected the toll that the illness had taken on his body. He was frail, with evident signs of weight loss and a weakened physical state. His complexion was pale, and there was a sense of exhaustion and fragility about him.

The family all stayed in the doorway, making their way to another room, as to give the three a private goodbye.

Amanda showed them to Charlie, slightly shaking him gently, she whispered, "Honey, you have some visitors."

When Charlie opened his eyes and saw his beautiful ex girlfriend, he couldn't help the faint smile that overtook his features.

"Hey." He whispered, barely audible.

At this, Vanessa count hold it in any longer and she started crying, but she still had a smile on her face.

"Hey Charlie." She whispered back. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I wanted it to be like old times. Everyone treats me like glass and I, I don't want you to also. I'm sorry."

"Oh, honey, you don't need to be sorry. I just, just wish we had more time, that's all." Vanessa reassures him.

He smiles, "Maybe in another life." Looking past her, Charlie saw Rudy. "Hey, is that my favorite blondie?"

Rudy smiled, "Don't let Sophie hear you say that."

Charlie chuckled, "Oh yeah, that wouldn't be good."

All of a sudden, Charlie got serious, looking at Rudy, he motioned for him to come closer. Rudy lent down and Charlie whispered in his ear, something that Vanessa couldn't make out.

When he was done, and Rudy pulled away, Rudy just nodded, starting to get teary eyed after holding it in so long.

"Of course. You know I will." And with that, Rudy moved back and let Vanessa go back to Charlie's side.

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