027: "I'm in a little bit of a situation..."

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*9 months later*

November 1st, 2022
NessyJ posted

November 1st, 2022NessyJ posted

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Tagged: @Sophie

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Tagged: @Sophie.Clawss
Liked by @rudeth, @blakelively and 4.8m others
NessyJ Photo dump bc why not? Did y'all hear?! Taylor's going on tour!!! OMG!


@Sophie.Clawss I love us, almost as much as I love T Swizzle, but not quite
~@NessyJ I'm with ya on that one🤷🏻‍♀️

Username1 that shirt is a mood and I'm here for it
~NessyJ damn straight!

@taylorswift you have to come to one of the shows!
~@NessyJ omg yes!! That would be so fun!

Usernane4 Taylor and Ness have the best friendship ever😭

@madelyncline how are you legit so gorgeous no matter what?!!
~@madisonbaileybabe ikr?! She's literally flawless!
~@NessyJ ☺️stoppp you two are literally amazing!

*No One's POV*

It had been months since Charlie's passing. Almost a full year. Vanessa had gotten to the point where she no longer broke down whenever she thought of him, but it took a while. Rudy was by her side the entire time, as was the rest of the cast and her friends.

Season two of OBX had been released and they were now working in season three. It was an absolute blast. Currently, her and Rudy were watching Tangled while their friends were either filming or shopping.

Rudy was on the couch, scrolling through his phone as he waited for Ness to get out of the bathroom. All of a sudden, he heard a scream and bolted up.

"V?! V? ARE YOU OK?!" He asked in a panic. Opening the door, he stared as V was standing on top of the toilet, a terrified but sheepish look on her face.

Scratching the back of her neck, she chuckled awkwardly. "I'm in a little bit of a situation..." she trailed off.

Rudy stared at her blankly before starting to laugh hysterically. It got to the point where he could barely breathe and he had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.

"Ruds stop! It's not funny!" Vanessa whined. She then looked down and shrieked, which lead to another round of hysterical laughter from Rudy.

He pulled out his phone and took a quick picture before straightening up and chuckling,

"What can I help you with, darling?" he asks. Vanessa looks at him blankly.

"There, may be, a tiny, spider." she said, mumbling the last part. But as soon as she said it, Rudy burst into laughter once again.

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Rudy attempts to compose himself but fails miserably. "Do let me get this straight," he begins. "You started freaking out, scared me half to death, climbed on the toilet, all because of a tiny spider?" he asks with a chuckle.

Vanessa whines, "It's not funny! You know how much I hate spiders! Now can you please kill it?!" She begged the blonde boy.

Laughing once more, Rudy goes over to the toilet and picks V up bridal style. She grips on to him as he carries her out of the bathroom. He gently sets her down outside the bathroom door and then goes back in to kill the spider.

After he throws the remnants away, he goes back over to the brunette girl, laughing at her one last time. She wraps her arms around his neck and lightly kisses his cheek.

"My hero." she says with a grin. "Now let's get back to the best movie ever!" she says, pulling away and skipping back to the couch. Rudy chuckled at her, shakes his head, and follows her lead.

@rudeth posted to his story

•••@rudeth posted to his story

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Hey guys, wow has it been a minute. Sorry this chapter is such a filler, I just really wanted to update. Hopefully the next chapter won't take as long to come as this one did but 🤷🏻‍♀️.

While writing this chapter I was watching Tangled bc why not and coincidentally, the picture in Rudy's "story" is the exact spot I'm in right now. For some reason that makes me happy. Also, are you ever just so in love with an animated character? Today I told my boyfriend that if Flynn Ryder actually ever existed in real life, I probably wouldn't hesitate to dump him for Flynn, that's how in love with Flynn I am. IYKYK ig🤷🏻‍♀️

Now, enough of my ranting, I hope you all have a great day/night, and make sure to drink plenty of water. Please remember to vote and comment also, I love getting notifications saying that someone interacted with my story!

Thx for reading, The Author

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