008: Movie Night

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*No One's POV*

The girls were all at the cast's house setting up for tonight. The boys had gone out to get some snacks and dinner leaving the girls alone. They all had an amazing time today. Its weird to think that they had only met yesterday, yet are best friends.

Not all the girls were there though. The Maddie's had noticed that Elaine didn't hang out with them if Vanessa was there. They thought it might just be jealousy because V and Rudy knew each other longer, but they didn't know for sure. One thing they were certain about though, is that Rudy had convinced Elaine to come to their movie night. It would be nice to have everyone there.

The girls were baking cupcakes in the kitchen, waiting impatiently for the boys to get back with their dinner. Although the girls were out all day, they had barely eaten, having too much fun just goofing around.

They had just taken the cupcakes out of the oven when the boys walked in, food and Elaine with them. After decorating the cupcakes and talking for a bit, the group made their way to the living room, ready to watch the movie. They all got comfortable while Chase had the remote clicking through random shows trying to figure out what to watch.

"Alright guys" he started, "what're we gonna watch?"
V immediately popped up, excitedly saying "We could watch a horror movie!" Some people disagreed, while others were very enthusiastic about it. "C'mon! Me and Rudy used to do it all the time when we were in school! It'll be so fun!" V said, trying to convince those who had disagreed.

After a little bit more convincing, they finally got everyone onboard with watching a horror movie. Even if it was begrudgingly for most of them. Now they were just trying to figure out which horror movie they should watch.

Everyone had their different ideas, but somehow they managed to narrow it down to two movies, 'The Boy' and 'Lights Out'.

"Let's watch Lights Out," Austin said "it'll be fun, especially in the dark." Somehow most everyone was convinced with his argument, and so there they sat, watching 'Lights Out'.


@NessyJ posted

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