011: Actual First Day

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*Rudy's POV*

It had been a couple weeks. The producer and director of Outer Banks had personal stuff to attend to, so the start of filming for the new season had been delayed. Rudy didn't mind though. The more it was delayed the more time he was able to spend with Vanessa.

He knew he shouldn't be feeling like this, especially since he was still with Elaine, but he couldn't help it. People were right when they say you never forget your first love. Rudy not only didn't forget her, but he couldn't stop thinking about her. Him and Vanessa had been hanging out a lot more in the past couple of weeks. But that meant that him and Elaine had been spending less time with each other, and more time fighting.

Rudy knew that he had to break it off at some point, he just couldn't find the heart to. He couldn't dump Elaine just to go running back to his ex, he wasn't like that, at all. If he and Vanessa had any chance of being together again, it would have to wait until a while after him and Elaine broke up, but he didn't know if he could wait that long.

Today the cast all had the same call time. Apparently the producers added someone new to the show, just to give it a bit more drama or something like that. He read the new script and apparently the new girl was JJ's love interest. He hoped that he could get along with whoever was playing her, if he wanted it to be believable they had to get along.

As the cast was all walking onto set, they felt a sense of familiarity. They hadn't been back to the set in a while, but it was almost exactly the same. Rudy was glad to be back, he loved spending time with the cast and crew because they had become like family to him more or less.

He could see Jonas in his office, probably talking to the new girl. Rudy could feel his anxiety spiking. Outer Banks was his first big project, he didn't want to mess it up all because he didn't have good chemistry with his onscreen lover. When they saw Jonas's office door open, the OBX cast all tried to see who the new girl was. Rudy was the first to see, and his eyes widened in disbelief when he saw who would be joining the cast.

Vanessa walked out following Jonas. As soon as he saw the cast, he made his way over to them. Signaling to Vanessa that she should follow him, which she did. She didn't even notice who they were walking to, too busy marveling over the set. When her and Jonas finally got to the cast she was still looking around, not noticing who was in front of her, but they noticed her.

Jonas cleared his throat, "Um, guys, this is your new co-star. I'm assuming you all read the script so you should know that she will be playin-" before Jonas could continue though, everyone came out of their shocked states and both Madison and Madelyn squealed, yelling "Nessy!" before running over to her and engulfing her in a hug.

Jonas looked a bit confused, but was able to find it in himself to say "I take it you guys already know each other?" The cast looked at each other before Chase spoke up, saying "Yeah, we met a few weeks ago, we're kind of friends with her already."

Jonas was a little shocked at what Chase had said, for some reason not realizing that they could've met weeks ago due to them all being here at the same time for filming. "Right, we'll that's good. Means you guys will get along just fine and you won't have to take an extra day to get to know each other. We're behind as it is."

Maddie, Mads, and V were all talking to one another. They didn't realize that they would be working together, which would be so much fun in their opinions. Rudy couldn't stop staring. He was surprised, to say the least. He didn't exactly expect to be working with her for months on end, especially to be love interests. He couldn't lie though, he liked the idea of being close with her again, it'd be just like old times.

The Maddie's showed V to her trailer, per Jonas's request. As they were walking away, Elaine came up, wearing a confused expression. "What's she doing here?" She asked no one in particular, though Jonas was the one to answer. "She's our new cast member."

Rudy could tell Elaine didn't like the idea of her working with them. She was probably a little uncomfortable with the fact that V and Rudy were going to be playing on-screen lovers, even though it would be just acting, it wouldn't mean anything.

Rudy still had to talk with Elaine though. He couldn't keep stringing her along when he didn't really have feelings for her anymore. He would feel extremely guilty if he did that. He was planning to talk to her tonight. He just knew that the sooner they broke up, the sooner him and the love of his life could go back to being how they were before, meant to be together and hopelessly in love.


@obx Posted

Tagged: @NessyJ Liked by @NessyJ, @rudeth, @madelyncline and 4

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Tagged: @NessyJ
Liked by @NessyJ, @rudeth, @madelyncline and 4.3m others
@obx We are so proud to welcome the amazing Vanessa Jacobs to our season two cast! We can't wait to work with you!


@NessyJ I'm so excited to be working with you! It's going to be a blast!

@rudeth aye! Welcome to the cast @NessyJ! Can't wait to work with you!

Username1 I wonder what her role is?
~@obx guess you'll just have to wait and see😉

@madelyncline yes! My best friend!
~@madisonbaileybabe I totally agree with this^^
~@NessyJ aww. You guys 🥹

Username4 she's just going to ruin the show 🙄
~Username3 you can respectfully fuck off. She is an amazing person and actress and if anything she will make the show even better! It's none of your business what the OBX crew decide to do with THEIR show, and if you don't like the new casting then you don't have to watch the show anymore. It's your choice @Username4
Comment liked by @rudeth, @NessyJ, and 3.7k others

Username6 I can't wait for this new season! It's gonna be so good!

@Rosie_Girly I'm so proud of you Nessy! Can't wait to see you on screens! I couldn't be prouder of you! Ily sm!
~@NessyJ aww. Ily too 😘

@Sophie.Clawss let's go! That's my best friend!

Username9 the cast is so supportive! I wish I had friends like them


A/N: another chapter! I honestly can't believe so many people have read this book! I had this idea in my head and just wanted to develop it into something more, but I had no idea people would actually like it! Thank you all so much!

Have a good day/night, and don't forget to vote and comment!

Thx for reading, The Author

1126 Words

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