032: Date Night Boys

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*Rudy's POV*

Looking at myself in the mirror, I let out a shaky breath. Nessy always says that I look good in black, so I went with my black suit. I really hope she likes it.

God, what has my life turned in to? My every waking thought it about Ness. Will she be there? What will she think of my hair? Will she like my outfit? It's just all about her.

I couldn't be more ecstatic that she decided to go on this date with me. I've been trying to work up the courage to ask her for a while now, but I was too afraid she would say no.

I decided to be cheesy and get her flowers. Me, Chase and Jonathan went out earlier to get them for her. I couldn't decide between two of the bouquets so I just got her both.

After giving myself another once over, I decided I was at least decent and went to join the boys. They were all sitting around the kitchen with whiskey and just talking.

When I walked in they all looked at me and clapped sarcastically, Chase even whistled. I rolled my eyes at them and poured myself a glass.

"You guys are ridiculous." I told them.

They all laughed. "What? We can't compliment you?!" Jonathan asks, the others nodding in agreement.

I just rolled my eyes and took a sip. I then remembered the the first bouquet that I was going to give to V. I went to the fridge and got it out.

Drew and Austin both awed at the sight and I just rolled my eyes yet again. I went to go out the front door but they stopped me.

"Woah woah woah buddy! Where do you think you're going?!" Austin asks me.

I hold up the flowers in a 'isn't it obvious?' gesture. "Taking these to V? I want to give these to her now and then the other bouquet when I pick her up." I explain.

They all look at me like I'm an idiot. "You can't friggin' see her yet!" Chase exclaims.

"Yeah, it's bad luck!" Jonathan agrees. I raise a brow at him.

"Isn't that for weddings? This is a date, guys. Just let me take these to her-" I didn't get the chance to finish because Drew shook his head and interrupted.

"Nuh uh uh. You can't drop these off. Give em to me, I'll take em."

The boys, including me, all laughed at him. "Oh c'mon man! We all know you just wanna see Soph." Austin says what we're all thinking.

Drew blushes slightly but shakes his head. After we all laugh at him a bit more he leaves.

I turn to them. "I seriously don't understand how they aren't together yet."

They all nod. "You and us." Jonathan says.

"We've just got to set it up." Austin sighs.

"After... your date tonight." Chase finishes off. I roll my eyes again but couldn't help the smile that made its way to my face.

It took Drew 10 minutes to come back, and we all teased him relentlessly about how absolutely whipped he was.

When it finally came time for Rudy to pick up Vanessa, he had gotten even more nervous. The boys were giving him a last once-over when Chase gripped his shoulders.

"Relax." he said. "It'll all be perfect."

I nod a little hesitantly and let out a breath. "Yeah, yeah." I mumble, almost to myself.

They all smile at me then push me out the door towards the girls' room. Once there, I knocked a few times and waited for the door to open.

Both Sophie and Mads opened the door, and they each grinned at me when they saw the bouquet.

"She's going to absolutely love them!" Sophie reassured me. I nodded and the beckoned me in.

I looked around for a second, studying the interior, until my eyes landed on the one and only Vanessa Jacobs.

The air got stuck in my throat as a looked at her. She was in a stunning spaghetti strap black dress that fell about mid-thigh. There was a small glitter patch on the upper right of the dress. She looked like an absolute goddess.

As we stared at each other, the world seemed to fade. It was just us. Just me and V. It was like we were back in high school. Like we never broke up. There were no exes, no Elaine, not even Charlie. It was just us. And everything was right.

Someone cleared their throat and we suddenly remembered where we were. Neither of us could stop smiling though. She finished walking towards me and I held out the second bouquet of flowers for her.

"More?" she asked me, raising a brow. I shrugged and suddenly I thought she didn't like them.

"I couldn't resist. I saw both of them and couldn't decide." I said, and I was already doubting that I made the wrong decision. She shook her head and chuckled at me, and I took it as a good sign.

"They're beautiful, Rudy. Thank you." she tells me and she kisses me cheek. I immediately wraps an arm around her waist and smile brightly. I couldn't help it. Being around her was intoxicating. It was like a drug and I would happily be addicted to it any day.

The girls all awe and giggle at us, then Maddie takes the flowers and winks at Ness.

Sophie smiles brightly. "You kids get out of here and have fun. But not too much fun if you know what I mean." she says with a wink and a smirk. I rolled my eyes and I just know Vanessa did too. We turn to leave but before we could go Mads hugs Ness and whispers in her ear something I couldn't catch.

When Mads is done, we walk out.

As soon as the door closed Ness turns to me and fixes my collar. "Lookin' spiffy, Ruds." she says, chuckling.

"Why thank you, Nessy. And you're looking as radiant as ever." I reply. We hear giggling on the other side of the door and chuckle to ourselves as well.

I holds out my arm for her and she accepts with a bright smile. The smile that I love so much.

We make our way down the hall and to my car, where I open the door for her and then run to the drivers side. I know she's laughing at me and can feel her watching me as I climb in.

This is gonna be a fun night.


Rudy's POV! Yay!

I hope you have a great day/night, and make sure you drink some water! Please remember to vote and comment as well!

Thx for reading, The Author

1102 Words

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