015: The Next Day

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*No One's POV*

Rudy awoke still in Vanessa's arms. A small smile played on his lips before disappearing completely when he remembered the events of last night. Him and Elaine had broken up. It was final, official. They were no longer together.

It's not like he didn't see it coming, they just didn't work. And despite what probably everyone will think when they find out, he didn't do it just so he could be with Vanessa again. Sure, that may be a plus, but he just couldn't be with Elaine anymore.

He shifted slightly, not wanting to wake up Vanessa. But he failed. She groaned a little and slightly opened her eyes. When she saw Rudy, she had a small smile on her face, even though he was trying to pretend to be asleep she could still tell he was awake.

"Morning bubs." She said, kissing his nose. He wrinkled it a little, dropping his act. He loved her morning voice, it was a little softer than her regular one, a slightly higher pitch too. Rudy groaned and dug his head deeper into her chest, not wanting to move and face reality just yet. Vanessa giggled but nonetheless held him tighter.

The both of them fell asleep again, waking up about an hour later. They knew they had to talk, about a lot, but they were both content as they were now. When they finally did get up though, they both made their way to the kitchen for some breakfast. They both had a while before they had to be on set, and Rudy insisted on making breakfast.

Whilst Rudy was making pancakes, Vanessa was snacking on the fresh fruit that was sitting out, waiting to be used. She wasn't very good in the kitchen, and Rudy always made fun of her for it.

"So..." Vanessa started. Neither of them really wanted to have this talk, but they knew they had to. "So..." Rudy repeated, equally as hesitant as the brunette. He let out a breath "Look, I'm sorry for kissing you. It was stupid and I guess I was just caught up in the moment and my feelings for you that never really disappeared along with the alcohol kind of made it harder to not kiss you."

Rudy looked at her, waiting for her reaction. She let out a small giggle and said  "It's ok, Rudy. I get it. You don't have to be so stressed." Rudy laughed a little too, but stopped when he asked "You probably wanna know what happened with Elaine last night, huh?"

Vanessa started to shake her head, "Only if you want to tell me. I care more about how you're feeling then what happened."

Rudy sighed, "No it's, it's fine. So, yesterday Elaine texted me saying she wanted to talk. I was already planning on breaking up with her by the way, so don't feel guilty for breaking us up or anything. Anyways, when I got there she started accusing me of cheating on her, when I finally got her to stop yelling, I told her I wanted to break up. That lead to a whole other fight in of itself and then she started throwing some of my things at me and told me to leave. Thats when I came here." Rudy finished. He just wanted to get it all over and done with.

Vanessa looked deep in thought for a moment, before saying "I'm sorry." Rudy looked at her and shook his head, "It's not your fault, we weren't gonna last anyways." She looked at him for a second then, without saying a word, held her arms up in an over dramatic way of inviting him in for a hug. He gladly excepted, wrapping his arms around her waist while hers went around his shoulders.

They stayed like that for a while, each enjoying the company of the other, until all of a sudden they smelt something burning. "Shit!" Rudy yelled before rushing over to the now burning pancakes. Vanessa just bursted out laughing at him in his panicking state.

Later on they had to go to set. The moments when Rudy saw and interacted with Elaine were a little awkward, but otherwise the day had been fairly great. They were mostly all lounging around at the chateau set, waiting for Chase and Mads to finish filming their last scene of the day. Rudy and Vanessa were yet again sharing the hammock, while the others were sprawled out in the surrounding area.

All of a sudden JD speaks up, "We should do something tonight." Vanessa and Rudy were half asleep but Rudy still managed to mumble "Like what?" JD shrugs, then Maddie cuts in suggesting "We could all have a sleepover in the living room? Do different things then, like play cards, bake, stuff like that?" Everyone mutters their agreements, Chase and Mads then walk up. "Sounds fun, we're in." Says Mads, and so it was settled.



For some reason I had a lil' trouble writing this chapter idk. I also just wanted to have a chapter out today. And, over 500 reads?! What?! You have no idea how happy this actually makes me! Thank you guys so much!

Hope you guys have a great day/night, drink some water and eat a lil smth too. Make sure to vote and comment too!

Thx for reading, The Author

823 Words

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