036: Meant to be

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*No One's POV*

Lately life had been...perfect. That's all Vanessa could describe it as. She had a great job, amazing friends, and the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.

Vanessa was the happiest she has ever been. Yeah, they had their hardships. But they always came back even better.

Currently, everyone in the group were all spread out around their living room. They had a sheet hanging against the wall and a projector playing a movie onto it.

Rudy and Vanessa were sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch. Rudy had his arms wrapped around his girlfriend, who was side-hugging him just as tightly.

Rudy shook her arm ever so slightly to get her attention. It worked, and the girl looked up to him through her lashes with a small but curious smile playing on her lips.

For a moment, Rudy forgot what he was going to say. All he could think about was the absolute gorgeous woman in front of him. The amazing, stunning woman that was wrapped up in his hoodie and his arms.

After a few moments of staring at her, he finally composed himself and smiled beamingly back.

"You're incredible, you know that?" he asked the girl. She just giggled quietly and kissed him.

"You're not too bad yourself, Pankow." she replies. He rolls his eyes but leans down to kiss her once again.

They pulled apart but still had their foreheads resting against one another's. They were just reveling in the feeling of being there, together, and happy.

Rudy takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out. "I mean it, though, Ness. You're the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I'm so glad that I've gotten the chance to know you."

He opens his eyes to find Vanessa already looking at him. She gives him a small, genuine smile.

"And you, Rudeth Pankow, are the best thing that's ever happened to me." they both smile.

"After everything we've been through, and how we're still together, I think, we were meant to be." he tells her. Before she can respond, the couple is being pelted from all sides by popcorn and various other movie treats.

"You guys are adorable and we love you, but please shut the fuck up." Sophie tells them.

"We're all trying to watch a movie here!" Mads says. Everyone else in the group shouts their agreements and continues to pelt them with treats.

Rudy reaches over and covers Vanessa from the attack. "Alright! Alright! Enough! We'll stop! We'll stop!" Rudy shouts.

After a few more seconds the group ceases their attack on the couple.

"You two are sickeningly sweet." Drew says. V rolls her eyes.

"Says you!" she yells, pointing out how him and Sophie were basically in the same position as her and Rudy, just on the couch.

Sophie and Drew flips her off and she just returns it right back.

After the group settles down, they begin the movie again. After about ten more minutes of watching the movie, she leans up to Rudy and whispers in his ear.

"I think we're meant to be too." she whispers, then kisses him sweetly. They both smile into the kiss.

It was true. They were just meant to be together. Somehow, they found their way back to each other and neither of them could be happier. There was no way that either of them was willing to lose the other. Not ever again. This time, the old lovers were staying together.



Heyyyyyyyyy. How are y'all doing???

I hope you have a great day/night, and make sure you drink plenty of water and eat something!!

Thx for reading, The Author.

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