006: First Day...Or Not?

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*Vanessa's POV*

Today was my first day at my new job. I was kind of nervous. This will be my biggest part since I started acting. I really want to do a good job. I've already met the writer and producer of the show, now all that's left is meeting the cast and actually filming. How hard can it really be, honestly?

I get up and start getting ready, I have to be there at around 7:00, so I didn't have to worry about Sophie being up. She is just about the farthest thing from a morning person.

As I'm waiting for my breakfast to be done, I can hear my phone ringing. I look at it and it's the producer of the show I'm going to be on. I don't know why he's calling me. My mind starts thinking through all the possible scenarios, nothing really good could come out of this. Not wanting to keep him waiting I answered, bracing for the worst.

"Hello?" I ask.
"Hey this is Jonas. I'm calling to tell you that we're pushing back the start of filming. We're having a lot of problems as of now, and I have some personal matters to attend to. We'll start filming sometime next week most likely.

"Oh, ok. That's fine. I totally understand. Just let me know when you want me on set and I'll be there." I say, letting out a relieved sigh.

"Thank you so much for understanding. I'll call you as soon as I know for certain when we'll begin filming."

"Ok sounds good. Have a good day."
"You too, take care."

And with that the call was over. I was honestly so relieved that the call wasn't me getting fired or anything. Before I can think too much though, I feel my phone buzz. I look at it and see it's a message from mine, Sophie and the Maddie's new group chat.

Direct Messages
Baddest Bitches

Blonde Bitch
Girls! We should totally go out today!

LochNess Monster
That would be so fun! I am so down

Brunette Bitch
Ooh! Mads and I could show you and Sophie around! Make a girls day of it!

LochNess Monster
Yes! It'll be so great!

Blonde Bitch
Wait, wheres Sophie?

LochNess Monster
She's still sleeping. I'll wake her up in a minute

Blonde Bitch
Ok! We can pick you guys up at where your staying!

Brunette Bitch
Yeah! Than we can have our girls day and have a movie night with everyone later!

LochNess Monster
Yes! This sounds amazing! I'm so excited!

Blonde Bitch
Me too!

Brunette Bitch
Me three!

Blonde Bitch
When should we pick you up?

LochNess Monster
Whatever works for you! I'm already ready and Sophie will take like 5mins to get ready

Brunette Bitch
Ok, so does like, 20mins sound good?

LochNess Monster
Sounds perfect! See you soon 😘

Blonde Bitch

Brunette Bitch



Just a short lil' chapter, idk.

Hope you have a good day/night, and don't forget to vote and comment.

Thx for reading, The Author

483 Words

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