034: "What are we?"

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*No One's POV*

It had been a few days since the date. Somehow, Rudy and Vanessa were acting even more like a couple, but Vanessa didn't know what they were.

She had been trying to work up the courage to ask Rudy, but she hasn't been able to. Every time she's about to ask, they either get interrupted or she doesn't know what exactly to say.

And to be honest, Rudy was in the same boat. He wanted to do so many things, say so many things to her but he could never find the words.

One day, finally, Vanessa had talked to the girls and convinced them to take the boys somewhere and give them some alone time.

It wasn't hard, Chase and Mads had a thing and loved spending time together, Drew and Sophie had some unspoken thing and loved spending time together, Austin would go anywhere that Drew went, JD, Maddie and Rosie were smart and knew exactly what was going on, so of course they left Rudy and Vanessa.

Now here the two are, sitting in the girls' apartment. They're watching a show and cuddling. Vanessa's head is in his lap and he playing with her hair with one hand and she's playing with his fingers on the other hand.

Vanessa was thinking. It was now or never. If she didn't do it now, she probably wouldn't be able to gather the courage ever again.

Sitting up a bit, she continued playing with Rudy's fingers as she paused the show. Rudy looked at her curiously, he could tell something was bothering her.

"What's up? You ok?" Rudy asks the brunette. The girl in question, just continued to play with his fingers.

"Um, Rudy. Can I ask you something?" she finally asks.

Rudy looks at her curiously. "Of course. Ask me anything." he says, giving her a reassuring smile. She returns the smile in hesitance, then lets out a breath.

"Ok um. Well, ever since our date I've been wondering...um. What are we?" the brunette asks.

Rudy freezes. He was planning to talk about it later, he was just trying to figure out what to say. At the feel of her hands still playing with his fingers, he relaxes.

"Well...ok well, it's no secret that I like you. Like, a lot.
I mean, I've been in love with you since freaking high school. I would absolutely love if we could try again. Especially since we're closer than ever now, and not just because we work together. I love you, Ness. I always have."

Rudy looks at her anxiously. Vanessa's mind was going into overdrive. She loved Rudy, truly. But would it work? They already tried once and we know how that turned out.

But did the cons out weigh the pros? Definitely not. Rudy was the best thing that has ever happened to her. She loved spending time with him, and she loved everything about him. Plus, he was right. They were closer than ever.

After a few more moments, a smile grows on V's face, which calms Rudy's nerves. She starts chuckling and just the sound of it brings a small smile to Rudy's face.

She stops fiddling with his fingers and just holds his hand. "I love you too, Rudy. Always have." she says to him. He searched her eyes but couldn't find an ounce of a lie there.

He smiles and brings her hand to his lips.

"Well then. Vanessa Marie Jacobs, will you please do me the honors, of being my girlfriend?" he asks her, looking down at there joined hands.

Vanessa giggles at how formal he is, and its music to Rudy's ears. "Yes, Rudeth Bartholomew Pankow, I will grace you with the honor of being your girlfriend."

They both laugh and then Rudy pulls her to him.

Direct Messages
Baddest Bitches

Rudy's Bitch
Rudy's Bitch
Rudy's Bitch

Blonde Bitch
What? What? What?

Brunette Bitch
Yes darling?

Flower Bitch
Jesus you're weird. What?

Rudy's Bitch
1). Rude

Flower Bitch
Cry me a river

Rudy's Bitch
2) Guess who ain't single no more!!!!!

Blonde Bitch

Flower Bitch

Brunette Bitch

Rudy's Bitch
I KNOW!!!!!!! IM SO HAPPY RN!!!!!

Singing Bitch
Singing Bitch

Blonde Bitch
Now we just gotta get Drew and Soph together😏

Brunette Bitch

Rudy's Bitch

Flower Bitch

Singing Bitch

Brunette Bitch
Oh whatever, you know you love him!
Brunette Bitch
But srsly Ness, we're so happy for you!

Flower Bitch
I second both of those!

Blonde Bitch
Me too!!

Singing Bitch
I only second the second one!

Rudy's Bitch
😂😂Thanks guys
Rudy's Bitch
Srsly, I don't think I'd even be here if it wasn't for you, I love you all!!!

Singing Bitch
Awwwww. Love you tooooooo

Flower Bitch
☺️For the first time ever, I feel loved by you😭

Rudy's Bitch
Oh shut it🙄

Flower Bitch
😘Love youuu

Brunette Bitch
I love youuuuuuuuuuu

Blonde Bitch
Love you to the moon and to Saturn bitchhhhhhh!!!!

Rudy's Bitch



Yay! New chapter! Alr, this book is coming to an end in a few chapters. I'm sorry. But, I will take any suggestions that you want. So, if any of you want to request something to happen or stuff like that, you can comment and/or message me privately!

Thank you all so so much for the reads. I started this book just so I could get it out of my head, and I didn't expect it to get almost 27k reads! Y'all have no idea how much this truly means to me and I can't thank you enough!

I hope you have a great day/night, and please remember to drink some water and eat something! Please vote and comment too!

Thx for reading, The Author

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