016: Night In

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@NessyJ posted

Tagged: @Rosie_GirlyLiked by @madelyncline, @rudeth and 2

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Tagged: @Rosie_Girly
Liked by @madelyncline, @rudeth and 2.3m others
NessyJ look who decided to visit today!


@Rosie_Girly I told you not to post this pic!
~@NessyJ sucks to suck ig🤷🏽‍♀️

@madelyncline it was so nice meeting you Rosie!
~@Rosie_Girly omg! You too!

@rudeth she should definitely come hangout with all of us tonight
~@Rosie_Girly omg yes! That would be so fun!
~@NessyJ well it's official, Rosie you're invited to tonight
~@madisonbaileybabe yes! This is going to be so fun!
~@madelyncline I can't wait for tonight!
~@hichasestokes ^^
~@jonathandavissofficial ^^
~@austinnorth55 ^^
~@drewstarkey ^^
~@Sophie.Clawss ^^

Username1 omg! She's met the cast!

Username2 what're they planning for tonight?
~@rudeth chaos
~@NessyJ pure chaos

Username3 what about Elaine? She usually comments when the cast talks about hanging out?
~Username5 you're right. It's weird. Maybe something happened between her and Rudy?


Rose had surprised her sister by flying in to visit. Sophie and the Maddie's helped her book her ticket and fly down there. She had went to set when she knew V was done filming, and they had spent the  rest of the day together. They were now heading back to the cast's house where they were going to spend the night.

"Fair warning, the cast is very chaotic." V warned her sister as they were driving into the parking lot. Rosie laughed, "It's Rudy and yours friends, of course they're chaotic." V laughs along, shrugging "Fair point."

As they reach their apartment, they could already hear the loud and disordered commotion from the inside. They laughed once more before opening the door and heading in. Ruddy was the first to notice them, shouting "My least favorite Jacobs!" and running over to hug the twenty one year old. She laughed and hugged him back, replying with "And you're my least favorite Pankow. Speaking of which, Mama Penny told me to make sure you aren't being a little shit. Her words, not mine." Rudy looked slightly offended by the message and was about to say something but was quickly interrupted by the Maddie's and Sophie pushing him out of the way and squealing, hugging the last member of their group chat.

Soon everyone had gotten hugged by and been introduced to Rose. A few hours later, after many drinks, challenges, games and laughs, most everyone was sitting around a small table, playing a game of poker. Vanessa and Sophie were sitting out, drinking wine and watching as Rose kicked everyone else's asses. "How are you so good!? You're too young to be this good at gambling!" Chase exclaimed as he once again, lost most of his betting money to Rosie. Said girl just laughed as evilly as she could before saying "Fake IDs really help one practice." 

A few hours after that most everyone was passed out around the apartment. The only ones truly awake were Rudy and V, who were plotting where they wanted to go for their late night date tonight. Still half drunk, they slowly and as quietly as possible made their way out the door, failing miserably to contain their laughter. 

They finally made it outside and burst out laughing at their failed attempts to be quiet. Once they could finally calm down enough, they started walking to a nearby ice cream shop that was their go to place because it was open almost 24/7. They may have been drunk, but they were still quite sober enough to know that driving was NOT the best thing to do. 

After they had gotten their ice cream they walked around the town, enjoying each other's company. It was little nights like these that they enjoyed the most. It was just them, it was like nothing had changed between the two. Like they were still two high schoolers, dumb and in love. They loved the nights like these where they could just be, and everything was perfect between them.



It's been a hot sec, hasn't it? I want to take a minute to thank all of you readers, 1k of you?! Holy fucking shit! Thank you guys so much! I have some plans for this book, but I just needed to get this chapter out here and done with so I can get going with my plans. Sorry that this chapter is super short, my parents were fighting again and I couldn't really concentrate on the writing. Iykyk🤷🏻‍♀️. But srsly, thank you guys a lot for all the reads, I really didn't expect this to even get 100 but here we are and I couldn't be more appreciative of all of you.

I hope you guys have a great day/night, and if you ever need someone to talk for any reason don't hesitate to hit me up. Please remember to Vote and Comment too bc it actually really helps motivate me.

Thank you so much for reading, The Author.

647 Words 

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