023: Goodbyes

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*No One's POV*

The day had finally come when Charlie had to go back home. They all were kind of dreading it, they had all formed some sort of bond with Charlie while he was visiting Vanessa.

Vanessa and Charlie had left the cast's apartment just a few minutes ago, V was giving Charlie a ride to the airport.

If she was being completely honest, she was kind of worried about him. She had noticed how some things were off about him. For example, she noticed how he had lost some weight, he didn't really eat a lot anymore, he was a lot more tired then normal, and he was weaker then he should be.

These signs could mean nothing, Vanessa could be overthinking or imagining all these. But there was that small nagging voice in the back of her head that wouldn't let her just push it aside.

As the two finally arrived at the airport and were walking to Charlie's terminal, they were laughing about all the good times they had while Charlie was in Charleston. Vanessa was really going to miss him when he went back to Alaska.

The duo had fallen into a comfortable silence while they waited for the time that Charlie would board his plane. When they did announce that his flight was boarding, he cleared his throat to get Vanessa's attention. Said girl looked at him curious.

"V." He started. "I want you to promise me something." He said, sort of seriously.

His tone was somewhat worrying to Vanessa, but she brushed the feeling aside and hummed, signaling for him to go on.

He took her hands and looked her square in the eyes, "I want you to promise me that you'll try things with Rudy again."

Vanessa was very confused at this. "What?" She half chuckled.

Charlie smiled at her cute, confused face. "I see the way you two are. You guys truly love each other and I want you to go for it. So, just promise me that you will."

They looked intently into each others eyes until she finally nodded. "Fine, I'll go for it. But no promises that it'll actually happen." She said, pointing her index finger at him at the last part in a joking manner.

He laughed at her actions, "Deal." He said, then brought her in for a hug, to which she happily obliged.

"I love you, Nessy." He said, kissing. The side of her head.

"I love you too, Charles." She said with a smile. The boy just rolled his eyes, he hated when people called him Charles, it just seemed to formal. He hoped at his funeral they didn't refer to him as Charles.

The last call for Charlie's flight was announced, and as he walked away from his past lover, he turned, with a giant grin on his face he said, "I expect for you to keep me updated. I want all the tea!"

Vanessa laughed, "You got it bubs!" And with that, he turned and started boarding his flight.


A few days after Charlie had left, Rudy and Vanessa were in the cast's apartment alone since the others had gone to the beach or something. Rudy and Vanessa had stayed home and decided to put on a movie. They were currently in the middle of watching 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith' while cuddling when Vanessa got a call.

She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Sarah, Charlie's older sister. Vanessa gets up off the couch and moves to the kitchen, Rudy looks at her curiously but she waved him off.

"Hello?" The brunette answers the phone.

"Hey V." Sarah says. Vanessa couldn't quite place it, but something in her tone sounded heavy, almost sad and drained.

"Hey Sarah. What's up?" V asks. Her and Sarah hadn't talked in a while, unless you count comments on Instagram, so it was really weird that she was calling Vanessa now.

"I-I need to tell you something." Sarah stuttered out.

This really worried V, "What is it Sarah?" She asked worried and confused.

After a pause, Sarah answered, "It's Charlie..."



Duh duh duhhhhhh. What do you thing happened to Charlie? It's really been a second and I apologize for that, I've just been super busy and have had no real motivation to write this chapter.

For those of you who celebrate the 4th, HAPPY ALMOST 4TH OF JULY!! That sounded way to enthusiastic for my taste but whatever. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Y'know Harry Styles' song Matilda? It is currently my favorite song and I kind of like, really relate to it. Idk. But I hope that if anyone else relates to it like I do that you are ok. And I hope you know that my messages are always open, so feel free to contact me if you need anything.

Anyways, hope you all have a good day/night, and make sure you're drinking plenty of water and eating something. Pls vote and comment also bc it rlly helps.

Thx for reading, The Author

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