Chapter 15 Surprises. Good and bad.

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Chapter 15 Surprises, good and bad.

Two days later I awoke to a light tapping on my bedroom door. I looked over at my clock on the bedside table. 9:53 a.m.

Oh, no. I had missed my first class. I picked up my cell phone. 29 missed calls from Rose and Megan. Mom must have been at work and they couldn’t get in. Oh, well. But wait, who would be knocking at my door now?

"Come in." I called.

Slowly, the door opened and my mother walked inside. "Hey, what’s going on?" she asked concerned. She continued to walk in and she sat down on my bed as I sat up.

"Nothing, I just over slept." I told her. I kind of lied, because last night my body was aching and my head was pounding. I’d just needed to sleep. Now, I was better.

She nodded and smiled. "It happens." She said.

I let out a breath of relief. She bought it. I noticed that she was in her work clothes. "Why are you still here?" I asked curiously.

She shifted her weight as if she was trying to hide something. "Well Megan called and said that you weren’t answering so I came to check up on you." She admitted.

I nodded. Oh, so she still didn’t trust me to tell her if I was sick or not. Obviously she was right to do so since I hadn’t been feeling good the night before.

She placed her hand on my cheek upside down. "Are you going to go to school?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah I might as well." I told her.

She nodded approvingly. "That’s my girl. Hurry up and get ready. I’ll take you." She told me.

We stood up at the same time. "Okay, I’ll see you downstairs." I told her.

As soon as she left I started getting ready. For me it was going to be a lazy day. Just regular jeans and a plain purple shirt and my hair in a bun. The only make up that I put on was some foundation and some powder. I slipped on my shoes and jacket, grabbing my book bag.

"Okay Mom I’m ready." I called as I walked down the stairs.

She stood up and grabbed her purse. "Okay, let’s go." She told me.

I followed her outside and got in the car. It was kind of cold. I rubbed my hands together shivering.

Mom got in the car and started it. My teeth began to chatter a little bit. \

"Can we turn the heat on?" I asked.

She looked at me like I was crazy. "Why? Are you cold?" She asked her eyes wide.

"Yes." I told her nodding.

She turned it on, but on low. I put my hands up to the vent. Ooooh. That felt good.

"Honey, are you sure that you’re feeling okay?" She asked a concerned look on her face.

I nodded again. "Yeah, why?" I answered with a question.

Now she really thought that I was crazy, based on the look she gave me now. "Because it’s 72 degrees out!" She exclaimed.

That was stunning. There was something wrong. But until it escalated, if it did at that, then I was going to keep it to myself.

"Are you sure that you’re okay?" She asked once again.

"Yes Mom I’m fine. I just have a chill. That’s all." I lied.

She continued to drive and stare at the road. She bought it.

The rest of the way to school was silent. I couldn’t tell if she was mad or not. She didn’t seem mad but she also wasn’t talking to me.

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