Chapter 8 More Unexpected Guests

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Chapter 8 More unexpected guests

Today was our 6th day here. We didn't leave the day Harry and I got together like we planned. I'm hoping that we do soon. We've been cooped up in this house for a week.

Not that I mind. It has included lots of movies, cuddling and kissing. Megan and Liam weren't quite there yet but yesterday I coud hear them whispering at the kitchen table.

He was telling her how pretty she was and how grateful he was to have here there with him.

I ruined the moment becase I yelled, "Awww!"

Harry covered my mouth and laughed quietly. "Shh." he said.

We heard footsteps. "Addison, Harold if you don't get the hell out of here, I'm going to kill you both." Megan said.

We jumped apart and ran to my room.

"Wake up." I heard someone say in my doorway.

"I am awake. I have been for an hour or so. I'm just laying here." I told Harry.

I felt the bed sink in a little as Harry layed nex to me. I turned over and hugged him. My eyes closed.

He started playing with my hair making me sleepier. "Well you should get dressed. The other day I was supposed to take you somewhere but other things got in the way. Now today will be perfect." he told me.

I snuggled closer to him and he hugged my body to his. "Why's that?" I asked yawning a little bit.

"Because I have some friends who are in town for a charity event and I would like you to meet them." he said.

I started to rub my fingers on his back lightly. "And who would that be?" I asked.

He kissed my cheek. "Louis and Zayn. Don't worry they're only staying for a night. I think Perrie and Eleanor are coming too. I told them that they could stay here. Niall is going to stay with Rose and I said I would stay with you. I hope that's ok. If not I can have them stay in a hotel." He explained.

My fingers quit moving and I opened my eyes. "Why would that bother me? Yeah, of course they can come. I would love to meet them." I told him.

He grinned. "So th sleeping arrangements are ok?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, it's no big deal. You're here almost all night, everynight anyway." I reminded him.

"Yeah, true." he said. He leaned in and kissed me.

"Ok, get dressed and I'll have breakfast ready by the time you get downstairs." he told me once he pulled away.

He got up ready to leave.

"Are you trying to say that I'm slow?" I gasped jokingly.

He laughed. "No, I'm saying I'm fast. Now hurry up!" he said and then he left the room and headed downstairs.

I put my hands on my face. "Ugh." I groaned. I did not want to get up. But I was going to meet Louis, Zayn, Perrie and Eleanor.

How exciting!, I said in my head. I threw the bankets back and got up. I stretched and made the bed half-assedly.

I put what little hair I had in a pony tail and put a headband on. I put on some jeans and a red sweater. I put my black Ugg boots on and did my make-up.

I got it done a whole lot faster because I didn't have Harry up here to distract me. I turned everything off and went downstairs.

I heard laughter. Rose was laughing histerically. I could only see her face. Niall was facing her holding something to his face.

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