Chapter 9 Mall Time

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Ch. 9 Mall time

Harry and Liam paid off the driver and the driver hurried away.

"He really didn't like us." I said walking up to Harry.

He turned toward me and when he did his hair fliped a little bit. It was pretty cute.

"Yeah because you wouldn't stop giggling." he said with a grin. He imitated it for a second.

"That's your fault." I told him laughing.

He winked. "Oh yeah. I know." he said.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked.

He raised his eyebrows at me. "Have you ever been on a rollar coaster?" he asked instead of answering my question.

I shook my head."No I haven't. Why do you ask?" I asked completely oblivious to what he was trying to tell me.

He pointed toward the mall with his head. Then I got it. "You're making me go on a rollar coaster aren't you?" I asked.

He nodded flashing me a wide dimple grin. "Yes, I am, and we need to hurry and catch up with the others since they have already left us." he told me.

I looked around and he was right. They had left us. I reached out for his hand but he didn't take it.

I looked at him with confused eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing against you, but if someone sees us and they know that we are together then we will no longer have privacy. Paparazi will follow you. If you think it was bad at the airport just think of what they would do if they knew, or what the fans would do. Som would harass and stalk you. Not all but some overly obsessive fans will." He explained.

Wow, it was really like that. I don't like the fact that I can't tell anyone about us. That really sucks.

But I guess it would be the same for Rose and Megan. But not all of it really made sense because everyone knew about Eleanor and Perrie. Then again, I also wasn't a singer or a model.

I decided to trust him on this. So I gave him a smile and said, "Alright."

We walked to the entrance together and the group was in the lobby. We were at the part with the rollar coaster.

' It was loud. A little too loud, but it was exciting. The mall seemed bigger on the inside than it did on the outside. The coaster got really close to the ceiling.

"Are you sure we won't hit the top?" I asked Harry.

He laughed again. "No that's not what I meant. We won't hit the top. This thing is perfectly safe." he let me know.

He gave me a one armed hug and dragged me to the line with the others.

A casual hug. We wouldn't want people to think that we're together.

Niall was tring to convince Rose to get on the rollar coaster. She wasn't too crazy about it. She was afraid of heights and the thought of loops made her stomach turn.

"No, Niall. Just no." She said crossing her arms.

He put both hands on her shoulders trying to get her to look at him. "Please, babe." he pled.

She should just suck it up and get on. We all need to be even. I always feel bad when someone has to sit by themselves.

"On one condition." She said.

His face lit up. "Anything I'll do anything." he promised.

She grinned. "Ok, I want you to buy me something special." She said.

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