Chapter 6 Bad news and Good news

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Chapter 6 Good news Bad news


I woke up feeling kind of groggy. I picked up my phone to see what time it was but realized it was dead, since my charger was in my bag bak at the airport I had no way to charge it.

That really sucked now. I coudn't even brush my hair yet. Luckily, I had a rubber band on my wrist. A messy bun would do me a lot better than what it most likely looked like now. I opened the door.

I heard some voices. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Rose and Niall were sitting at the table and Harry was at the stove fipping pancakes. He turned toward me and gave me a smile.

"Good morning. Would you like some breakfast?" he asked. I smiled back and sat at the table. "That would be great." I said. Everyone but Harry was still in the same clothes that they were wearing yesterday.

He's lucky that he had something here. I turned toward Rose. "Where's Megan?" I asked. " She's still in her room. She's still asleep. I'm sure." She said. I nodded then Harry came to the table and sat a plate of pancakes in front of me.

(Liam's point of view)

I Walked into the front door of my flat. I rubbed my eyes trying to keep myself awake until I get to my bedroom. I set down the keys and start to walk toward the hallway. Somebody clearing their throat made me jump.

I got to a light and turned it on. I looked over and it was Danielle. I gave her smile. "Hey babe what are you doing sitting in the dark?" I asked as I went to sit next to her. I leaned in to give her a kiss but she moved away.

Her face looked sad. "What's wrong?" I asked. She wasn't talking which was quite strange. "We have to talk." was all she said. We have to talk, those four words. I've heard them before and none of them ever ended in a good conversation.

I leaned away from her and braced myself for what I thought was going to happen. I loved her so much. This could not be happening. "What about?" I asked. Maybe it wasn't bad. Maybe she had to go on another dancing tour.

Yeah, that might be it. "I think we should see other people." She said. Oh no. She said it. I stood up and turned away from her. I felt myself getting upset. God please don't cry. I lost the battle and I felt a few tears build up.

"Oh Liam please don't cry. It's just not working. I'm so sorry." She said. She came up behing me and tried to hug me. I jerked away from her. "No, don't. Why isn't it working. Is it someone else?" I asked turning around to face her.

She shook her head. "No of course not." She said. I could tell that she was lying. I could always tell. "You're lying. Who is it?" I asked getting angry. Her eyes dropped to the floor.

She couldn't even look at me as she was breaking my heart. "Evan." She whispered. Evan? "That dancer that you're always spending time with? That was gay! So I'm guessing that you weren't working on dance choreorgraphy."I exclaimed.

She shook her head. "No." She said. It was barely even a whisper. Since we were broken up already they was not a whole lot that I could do. "I think it's time for you to leave." Without saying anything else I walked away from her and when into my bedroom slamming the door behind me.

I felt more tears coming to my eyes. At least she wasn't in here to see how weak I was. I cried until my eyes were red and puffy. It made me droswier than before and I felt myself fall alseep.

(The next morning)

Knock, knock! Those sounds woke me up in the morning. Then someone just walked in. Just in my boxers I got up and walked out of my room. Paul was in the living room. "What's wrong?" I asked as he was looking on my book shelf and coffee tables.

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