Chapter 26 Gone

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Chapter 26 Gone

It was a week before Christmas and it was getting so cold. Maybe it was me, I had no idea. I had a Doctor’s appointment. Even though I was done taking medicine they still needed to keep an eye on me. Make sure that I wasn’t dying and stuff.

Sorry, that probably wasn’t that good of a joke.

Mary and my mom were trying to help me get dressed. I’m sorry that I got pissed off because I was almost 19 years old and I couldn’t get myself dressed. I hated it so much.

“Okay Addy, lift up your leg.” Mom told me.

It was getting so hard to move. I concentrated on lifting my leg so hard that it started to shake. I put my leg in my jeans and my foot got caught on the end. I jerked and slipped falling hard on my right side before Mom or Mary could catch me.

A hard sharp pain stabbed me in my right hip. “Oh, my god.” I cried tears growing in my eyes.

I hadn’t felt anything like this since I broke my ribs. Oh my god, no! I screamed, loud.

Mom got on her knees beside me. Mary got down, too trying to straighten out my body. I screamed again and I felt my body getting wet. I had to be either bleeding or sweating…or both.

Somebody burst into my room. “What happened!” Harry yelled looking down at me.

I cried out again. I was starting to feel dizzy and see black. I could smell rust in the air. Blood.

Ugh, oh my god, what was happening?

“She broke a hip and it’s punctured the skin. Call 911.” Mary said calmly.

That made me feel sick. I felt bile in my throat and I heaved, wanting to get it out I winced from the pain in my side. This hurt so bad.

“Oh my god Harry hurry!” Mom yelled.

I tried to lean up but it all hurt. I slammed myself back down busting my head off the floor. I became more woozy and the room began to spin. I closed my eyes to try and make it all go away. I passed out.

*                      *                      *                      *                      *                      *         

Well, I lived. I had a broken hip, a concussion and 12 stitches in my head. Also, on top of all that I was getting a cold.

My new and last home was now officially the hospital. When the ambulance came and saved me my doctor wanted me admitted immediately

I was actually in my room with Mom, Harry and Rose waiting for some test results. Megan felt so bad that she couldn’t come, she had to work, but I told her not to worry about it.

Harry had not let go of my hand since out of the nurses said that Dr. Winchester was on his way. That was almost a half hour ago.

Rose was pacing around the room on the phone with Niall. It shocked me how concerned the other boys were about me. They were coming to spend Christmas with us. Louis and Zayn, too.

It was so sweet of them. They were ditching their family, friends and girlfriends, (beside Niall and Liam) to spend Christmas with Harry and I in a hospital. I should have made them stay in the U.K. but they were already on their way. Niall had called Rose to tell her that they were on the plane.

“Okay, I love you.” She said into the phone

A second later she hung up and then there was a knock at the door.

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