Chapter 16 Funeral

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Chapter 16 funeral


(Addison's point of view)

We stayed in my bed after that all night. I slept good but only because I was exhausted from crying. Oh little Amy. Four years old and she's already gone. I was so thankful that her mother had called to let me know what had happened. Her cancer had took it's course. Her mother had said that she hadn't suffered but being dianosed mysel I knew that it was a lie.

When I had first woke up Harry was still sleeping but now I could feel his fingers running through my hair. It was the last thing I was aware of the night before.

"How are you doing?" He whispered.

I shrugged. "I'm okay. I just felt bad for her." I told him.

"Four years old." he agreed.

I pulled away from him laying on my stomach, looking at him. He rested up on his elbow looking back at me. I reached up and pushed my ahir behind my ears.

"When's the funeral?" he asked.

"Tomorrow." I answered.

He scooted closer to me. "Would you like to go?" he asked, reading my thoughts.

I nodded. "Yeah. It's the least that I could do." I told him.

He gave me a small smile. "I hope I'm included into those plans." He told me.

I gave his shoulder a playful push. "Well of course." I said.

He sat up and stretched. "We'll have to be back saturday for our concert. It's a charity thing. All the money that we make will go to a cancer charity." He explained.

I grinned. That was so awesome that he was doing that. "Wow. That's great." I said. I didn't want to ask if he would take me. I actually planned on paying for myself.I deffinatly wasn't a good digger.

"Alright that's fine. We can even be back by Friday night so you can sleep." I told him.

Now he grinned at me. "That's perfect." He said.

As he went to the bathroom I decided what I was going to wear. It was some what easier than it was to pack for the two week trip.

Hmmm. When you went to funerals you usually wore black. I had only been to two funerals before this one. My Dad's and my Grandma's. She past away three years after he did.

I had a causal black dress. It was long sleeves and it went down to right above my knee. I wouldn't say that it was low cut but it also didn't go to my neck.

I pulled it out of my closet and held it up to my body in front of the mirror. It would work, I told myself in my head.

"Is that what you're wearing?" Harry asked from the doorway.

I turned around, the dress still close to my body. "Is it bad?" I asked kind of concerned.

He shook his head. "No, it's gret." he assured me.

I put it back on the hanger and put a bag over it so nothing happened to it. I also pulled out a pair of jeans and a long sleeve blue t shirt. I grabbed a couple of other things and put them into a bag.

"May I use your computer to book some tickets?" He asked too poliet.

I gave him a weird look. "Harry you don't have to ask." I let him know.

His cheeks got a little red. "I figured. But I wasn't so sure at the same time." He said sitting down at my desk.

I got some clothes out of my dresser for today. "I'll be right back." I said.

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