Chapter 20 Cause baby, you smile, I smile

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Chapter 20 Cause baby, you smile I smile

(Addison's Point of view)

"What are we doing here?" I asked as we pulled into the parking lot of the amplitheater.

He grinned over at me. "I can't tell you, babe. It's a surprise." He said.

I pouted. What could he possibly surprise me with here? Still, I got out of the car and followed him up to the doors.

He tried to pull them open but they were locked.

"Oh I guess we can't go in. Let's go." I said quickly trying to turn around.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Not so fast." he said.

Harry reached in his pocket and pulled out a ring of keys. After a minute or so of picking through them he slid one of them into the door and unlocked it. He gave me half a grin as he pulled the door open for me to go inside.

"How did you get the keys?" I asked as I stepped in the building.

He followed me inside and planted a kiss on my lips. "Oh I have my ways." he said.

We walked through the lobby and into the big room held for concerts. It seemed so much bigger than it did the other night at the One Direction concert.

We made it to the stage and I sat down on a chair. I was so tired. I croseed my legs and put my hands in my lap.

Harry started fiddling with a stereo looking things. "So what's my surprise?" I asked after a minute of silence.

He spun around and grinned at me. "You are going to dance with me." He exclaimed.

Music started to play then. I recognized it as Justin Bieber's "You Smile".

I slapped my hand on my forehead and groaned. "Harry....really?" I asked.

He did a couple of goofy dance moves before he knelt in front of me. "Addy please?" He asked, his eyes melting into mine.

I sighed. "Oh alright." I said giving him my hand.

He smiled real big and stood up, bringing me up with him. I rested my left hand on his shoulder and my right in his hand.

"Old fashioned? I like it." He said as the music began to play again.

"Oh... Yeah.....Mmmm."

Harry brought my body close to his.

"I'd wait on you forever and a day. Hand and foot. Your world is my world. Yeah"

He moved me to the right, his eyes not leaving mine. I followed his lead, not really sure what else to do.

"Aint no way you're every gon' get any less then you should cause baby."

He twirled me around and brought me close to him. His hand squuezing my waist.

"You smile. I smile. Oh. Cause whenever you smile, I smile. Hey, hey, hey."

We stopped dancing for a second. He just stared at me.

"Your lips, my biggest weakness."

He leaned in and kissed me so soft at first but then deepened it. His hand cupping my cheek.

"Shouldn't have let you know. I'm always gonna do what they say (hey)"

I grinned as he pulled away and we started dancing again.

"If you need me I'll come runnin' from a thousand miles away"

He tilted me back and let my hair fall towards the floor.

"When you smile I smile. (Oh whoa) You smile, I smile. Hey"

He brought me back up and I grinned at him leaning my forehead on his. Oh, now I'm getting into it.

"Baby take my open my heart and all it offers. Cause this is as unconditional as it'll ever get"

We broke apart and danced side by side. Harry was happy that I was finally giving into him.

"You aint seen nothing yet."

He pulled me close again and shook me to the beat.

"I won't ever hesitate to give you more. Cause baby (hey) you smile, I smile. (whoa)"

He pulled away from me again and sang to me. Loud. I started laughing.

"You smile, I smile. Hey hey hey. You smile, I smile. I smile, I smile. You smile, I smile. Make me smile baby."

He continued to sing doing his own spin. I laughed but it was so damn cute.

"baby you won't ever want for nothing. You are my ends and my meands now with you there's no in between."

He pulled me close to him again. The way he looked at me, to me it was his way of saying he loved me. It sure as hell felt that way.

"Cause my cards are on the table and I'm willing and I'm able."

He turned me around and brought me close again. I rested my chin on his shoulder and he interlaced out fingers, his other hand flat on my back.

"But I fold to you wish cause it's my command. Hey hey hey."

We danced close together like that feeling each other's warmth.

"You smile, I smile. (whoa) You smile, I smile. Hey hey hey.You smile, I smile, I smile, I smile, Oh."

He spun me one more time before stopping me to look at him.

"You, smile. I smile.... You, smile, I smile. "

Harry leaned in and kissed me. Both of his hands on my face to hold me in place. He held me tight, but not enough to hurt me. It was like he was afraid I'd disapear or something. I was scared I might, too.

When he pulled away I slowly opened my eyes. "I love you, Harry Styles." I whispered.


2 Chapters in one day. 3 in two days. Whoa look at me!! The story is almost over! Less than ten chapters... I think. I love you guys. Vote and Comment!!!


P.S. The actions under the lyrics are what they do during that part of the song. :) Enjoy xx

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