Chapter 25 Playing Games in the Street

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Chapter 25 Games in the Street

            3 weeks later

            A lot has happened in the past three weeks. Harry’s world tour ended 3 days before and he had officially moved into my house. He didn’t bring anything much just what he absolutely needed. Mary, my nurse has been over every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to make sure I was okay.

            Since I had stopped taking the medicine I had been getting a lot worse. My bones were getting so brittle. I could walk short distances but other than that I was stuck in a wheel chair. It sucked believe me. I felt like a burden on everyone.

            Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn were going to Switzerland to work on the new album while Harry was going to a nearby studio to record his solo’s. It was a load of shit if you ask me. He should have been there with them! It was one of the most important things to him. The other boys probably hated me and once I had slipped that out to Harry.

            He had rolled his eyes. “Oh Addison, don’t be ridiculous.” He said in his big British accent.

He had then came over to me laying a big kiss on my mouth. “They love you.” He said, his voice a lot softer.

“Okay Addison, you need to go to the bathroom?” Mary asked when she came into the living room one afternoon.

Harry and I were lying on my new bed in the living room. It wasn’t the pull out couch which I would have preferred, it was a hospital style bed. Set right up in my living room. It was so freaking crowded in there. Mom had talked about taking the other furniture out but I refused. It all sucked enough already, I didn’t need her doing me extra favors.

I nodded. “Yes.” I said starting to get up.

Harry took my hands helping me. “I’ll take her.” He said.

I blushed and shook my head. “I can go pee by myself.” I told them both. I got up and started to walk towards the downstairs bathroom. I more like waddled to the bathroom. I had to take a couple of breaks so that I could catch my breath. I was getting weaker but I wasn’t going to let that get me down and I wasn’t about to give up.

Harry and Mary stayed close behind, hovering. “Oh would you just go away!” I yelled as I finally made it to the bathroom.

“Addison.” Harry started but I slammed the door on them.

God, I just needed some damn privacy. I did my business and sure enough when I came out Harry was waiting for me. I tried to move past him but he grabbed my arms holding me in place.

“You have to let me help you.” He told me.

I tried to pull away from him but I couldn’t. “No, I don’t. I can’t.” I said.

He shut up by kissing me on the mouth. “Yes you can, but let Mary help you get dressed. I have a surprise for you.” He told me.

I groaned. “Not another exotic trip?” I teased.

He grinned back, happy that I was giving in. “No, not this time, just a walk around” he said.

I raised my eyebrow not answering him. He took his hands off of my arms and gently put them on my waist. “Do you think you can do that?” he asked, his voice all soft and husky.

I nodded. “Yeah, I guess I can.” I told him in the same attitude.

He kissed me on the forehead. “Good.” He picked me up cradling me close to his chest. It caught me off guard.

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