Chapter 13 Flashbacks

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Chapter 13 Flashbacks.

(Megan’s Point Of View)

(One Week Ago)

            I was laying on my bed at Harry’s house reading my book. Well I was trying to. All I could think about was Liam.

            He was so much cuter in person, and so sweet. We’ve talked. He’s so goofy and down to earth. He was making me fall deeper and deeper for him.

Knock, Knock.

            “Come in.” I called.

            The door knob slowly turned and Liam poked his head in. Speak of the devil. “Can I come in?” He asked politely.

            I pushed up off my stomach and sat down in a pretzel. “Yeah, sure.” I said sitting my book down on the table.

            He walked in and sat on my bed across from me. He gave me a smile. “How are you?” He asked.

            I pulled my knee up and rested my chin on it. “I’m good. How are you?” I said.

            “I’m great. Louis and Zayn are staying here for a couple of days.” He said as if I didn’t know.

            “Yeah?” I asked urging him to go further with that sentence. I had a feeling he was going to.

            He started to fidget with his hands, like he was nervous or something.

            “Liam what is it?” I asked starting to get nervous too.

            “Well Harry doesn’t have that many bedrooms, so I’m getting kicked out of mine. So I was wondering if I could stay with you.” He said looking at my bed.

            I grinned. “Yes, Liam you can stay here.” I said laughing.

            He stood up. “Ok, well I’m going to get ready. I’ll be back.” He said.

            “Alright, I’ll be here.” I told him.

            He grinned and left the room. I lied. As soon as I knew that he was back in his room, I went down the hall to Rose’s room.

            I knocked once and went in. Niall and Rose were laying on the bed making out, things weren’t really heated. They looked like they were bored and kissing was something to do.

            “Ok, ew.” I said.

            They pulled a apart abruptly. “You could have knocked.” Rose said scowling at me.

            I walked up to them. “Hey I did knock!.” I protested.

            She pulled away from Niall all the way and put her hands on her hips from where she sat. “Next time more than once.” She said. I could tell that she was kidding.

            I sat on the bed next to them. They weren’t touching anymore. “I need to talk to you.” I told her. I looked over at Niall giving him a puppy dog face.

            He put his hands up, showing me that I had won. “Alright, alright. I’ll wait outside.” He said. He stood up and kissed her right before leaving the room.

            “So what did you need to tell me.” She said.

            I leaned in closer to her just in case Niall was outside listening. “Liam asked if he could sleep in my room with me while Louis and Zayn are here.” I said.

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