Chapter 24 Worse

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Chapter 24 Worse

            I heaved up again in the bathroom at my doctor’s office. This is so gross, I said in my head as I wiped my mouth with a paper towel. I sat back against the wall and put my hands on my head.

            My head just hurt so bad. The chemo was making me so sick, I had no idea how much longer I could take this.

            “Mom.” I said. She was waiting for me on the outside of the door.

            She opened the door. “Are you okay, honey?” She asked.

            This was probably gross but I didn’t care. I laid right on the floor and pressed my cheek to it. It felt cool on my hot cheek and right then I felt like going to sleep.

            I answered her anyway. “I feel like I’m dying.” I told her truthfully.

            I looked up at her and her eyes were filling up with tears. I felt guilty for making her upset.  “Mom, please don’t cry.” I begged.

            She sniffed. “It’s okay, honey. I’ll be right back.” She told me.

            I rested my eyes and laid there. I hoped that nobody needed to use the bathroom because there was no way that I was going to move until I really had to.

            “Ad, you ready to go? I got you a wheel chair.” Mom told me a few minutes later.

            I opened my eyes and nodded. “Yeah, thanks Mom.” I said.

I sat up and quickly got to my feet. That sent a bit of a rush to my head and I started to see back.

I stumbled.

Mom was at my side in a split second. “Are you okay?” She asked her voice raising.

            I guess I had scared her. Wouldn’t be the first time. I put my hands up. “It’s fine, I’m fine. I just got up too fast.” I assured her.

            She stayed with me anyway until I got to the chair and she even helped me sit down. She was so sweet. She wheeled me down to my doctor’s room. He was filling out some papers.

            He smiled when he saw me. “Hello, Addison how are we doing today?” he asked.

            I gave him a look that said ‘Do you really have to ask?’.

            He caught on quickly. “Oh right, You ready for these last tests?” he asked.

            No, I wasn’t ready. As of right now it could go either way. It would work or it wouldn’t. This was my last chance. I nodded and put on a fake smile. “Yes, I’m ready.” I told him.

            Mom was going to wait in the waiting room while the doctor and I went to a different room. Good, I would like to have a word with him.

            Mom kissed me on the cheek when she was telling me goodbye. Rose was going to sit with her to keep her company.

            “I love you.” Mom said on her way out.

            “I love you, too.” I said.

            Dr. Winchester spun me around, toward the opposite side of the hall to the testing room. All I could think about was how I wished that Harry was there with me.

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