Chapter 5 Galway, Ireland

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Chapter 5 Galway Ireland

We sat in first class. I sat next to Harry. The seatbelt that we had to wear when we first took off confused me and I couldn't hook it together. Laughing, Harry reached over and hooked it for me.

I laughed too. "I'm sorry. I'm a blonde on the inside." I let him know.

He laughed even more. "It's ok. Zayn had the same problem the first time he was on a plane with us too." he said.

I smiled. "Well at least I'm not a loner." I told him.

He looked over to where Niall and Rose were sitting. "I don't think you're alone." he said. I looked to where he was talking about.

Niall was having trouble with his seat belt. Rose was helping him out. I laughed. "Niall really?" Harry asked. Rose was still helping and Niall looked back and just winked. My jaw dropped.

He just giggled and turned back around. I turned back toward Harry. "He better not be perving on my friend." I told him.

He smiled. "He's not; ok maybe he is a little bit. But he probably did need help." he said.

I sat back in my seat. "Ok, we're going to be taking off soon and this is the worst part." he said.

I got nervous again. "Are you trying to scare me?" I asked.

"Well no of course not. Ok maybe. Usually when girls get scared they hide in the chest of the guy they're with." he admitted.

I laughed. "Wow." I said.

He pulled something out of his pocket. It was a pack of gum. Here this will help your ears from popping." he said. He handed me a couple pieces and took two for himself.

"Niall, here." he said. Niall reached over and grabbed the pack from him. "Thanks man." he said. He took some and gave some to Rose.

“Here, Meg.” He said to Megan who was in front of them reading a book.

"Oh so she gets a nickname?" Rose asked but she was just teasing.

Niall laughed. "Do you want a nickname?" he asked. She nodded. "Hmm. Ok Ro Ro." he said.

 I started laughing. "Yeah Ro Ro" I told her.

She crossed her arms. "Don't. Call. Me. That." She said. But from the look on her face she looked like she was trying not to laugh.

Then the intercom came on. "Hello everyone my name is James and I will be your pilot today." It said.

"Hey that’s my middle name." Niall said. Rose snickered.

I need everyone to be buckled up. We will be taking off in two minutes." Then the voice was gone.

A flight attendant started at the front and was checking everybody's seat belt.

She was a very beautiful woman. She had platinum blonde hair and it was in waves past her shoulders. She had bright blue eyes and the perfect smile. I envied her the moment I saw her but then I also wanted to get up and stomp her face in.

Not because she was better looking than me but for the way she was looking at Harry. Well, hello did she not see me here sitting next to him? We may not be together but she doesn't know that.

She was looking at him like he was something to eat. She checked Megan and then Rose and Niall. She barely checked me. She took her time with Harry though. "Hello, Mr. Styles. How are you today?" She asked smiling real big.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh I'm doing great." He said.

She stayed. "What brings you to...?" She started but Harry cut her off.

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