Chapter 12 Goodbyes

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Heyyyyy check out this girls new fanfic about Harry Styles! It's very good!

-Andrea xx

Chapter 12 Goodbyes

            I sat crossed legged on my bedroom floor trying not to cry. All of my clothes were in piles. Yes, I was packing.

            I had no idea it was going to be this hard to leave him. I knew that this little vacation wasn’t going to last forever but it still sucked.

            Harry and Liam were out running errands, getting things ready for the flight back. Us girls were going to America and the boys were going straight to Australia, to start their world tour.

            When I put the last of my shirts in I put my head in my hands. God, what was I going to do?

            A knock at the door startled me a little bit. “Come in.” I called out.

            The door knob turned and Megan walked in. I gave her a fake smile and she sat down with me.

            “Not done packing yet?” She asked surprised.

            I blushed. We were leaving in a couple of hours and I still wasn’t ready. I was still in my pajamas and my hair was a mess. “I couldn’t do it. Every time I thought of doing it, it all became more real.” I admitted.

            She looked at me like I was stupid, but then she grinned. “You forgot that Rose and I are going through the exact same thing right now.” She reminded me.

            Then I felt like a jerk. I had only been thinking of me. It was selfish. I t has been two weeks since Rose and I had really talked. Both head over heels for our boyfriends, we hadn’t had time for each other.

            I really missed hat. I hadn’t talked to Megan that much either. ‘I’m so sorry. How are you?” I asked. I was really feeling guilty, a piss poor friend and I was going to start making up for it right now.

            She started to laugh. “Addison, it’s ok. It’s been getting to all of us but once we get home we’ll all get close again.” She reassured me, helping me fold the rest of my clothes.

            I still wasn’t satisfied.  I jumped up to my feet. “I need to go and talk to her.” I said skipping to the door.

            “Um Addy.” Megan said stopping me from leaving.

            I turned toward her to show that I was listening. “I don’t think she’s available right now.” She told me getting a little red.

            I didn’t understand what she meant at first but then I remembered that Niall was still here. I closed the door.

            “Eww!!!” I yelled stomping back o my spot again.

            Megan laughed. “Yeah, they’re gross.” She told me.

            I laughed too and we finished packing my things.

*                *                      *                      *                      *                      *

            An hour later when Harry was walking through the front door I had showered and was fully ready to go. Megan had helped me carry my bag down and Niall and Rose had recently came out of their room.

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