Chapter 30 1 Month Later

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Chapter 30 1 Month later

            I didn’t want to admit it, but things were getting better. I’ve gotten back on track with One Direction. We’ve recorded Moments, and it’s on the Deluxe version of our Up All Night album.

            I’m driving a rented car to Emma’s house. The back seat filled with flowers. It was quite warm for the end of January. So warm that I didn’t need a jacket. I wore a light one though, so I didn’t look stupid.

            I pulled up in Emma’s driveway. I felt weird as I got out of the car and walked towards the door. I haven’t been there since before Addy had passed.

            I knocked at the door and waited. It was the second time, that I’ve knocked. It felt so unnatural.

            Emma opened the door. “Hey Harry! Come in please.” She said.

            At least she was smiling. That was a great thing. I walked inside and followed her to the living room.

            She went to the coffee table. A white envelope lay on it. She picked it up and handed it over to me.

            “What’s this?” I asked.

            She shrugged. “I honestly have no idea. I was going through some things in Addy’s room and found a box of these under her bed. There’s one addressed to you, Rose, Megan, me and Louis.” She explained.

            She handed me another envelope. “Do you think you could give him this?” She asked.

            I took it from her and put it in my pocket. “Of course.” I said. I wanted to read it myself. I was quite curious.

            She was dressed in her scrubs. “Are you going somewhere?” I asked.

            She blushed as if I had caught her doing something she wasn’t supposed to. She nodded. “Yes, I got called into work. I’ve been working a lot of double shifts.” She let me know.

            I narrowed my eyes. “Do you need money or something?” I asked stupidly.

            As soon as I said it, I regretted it. I closed my eyes and flared my nostrils. “Emma, I’m sorry.” I started but she put her hand up cutting me off.

            “No, it’s okay. It keeps me busy, I’m not able to think of anything else when I’m working like that.” She explained.

            Oh, so things weren’t getting as good as I thought. She went into the kitchen and came back with a jacket on and her purse.

            “I have to get going, or I’ll be late. Stay as long as you want.” She told me.

            I shook my head. “It’s okay, after I visit her, I’m going to head to the airport. We have lots of interviews tomorrow.” I let her know.

            She nodded. “Okay, that’s fine. Thank you so much for coming.” She said.

            I went over to give her a hug. “Don’t. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” I said honestly.

            We left the house at the same time. I was so anxious to see what was in the envelope, but I wanted to wait until I was with her. So I had to be patient.

            It was about a ten minute drive to the cemetery. When I got there I was happy to see that it was deserted. I liked to talk to her out loud, but I didn’t want to look crazy doing it.

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