Chapter 4 Airport

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Chapter 4 Airport.

I came over into the living room when I was done washing the dishes. Rose was still on her phone. She had not put it away since the boys had left. It had taken a couple of hours for the crowd to leave.

But there was still a couple of girls who sat on the side walk waiting for the boys to come back. No matter how many times that I had told them they weren't. Mom said not to go back out there.

She was afraid that they would attack me or something. It was alost 10:00 now. I sat down on the couch on the opposite end of Rose. She was still texting someone. The tip of her tounge hanging between her teeth.

I narrowed my eyes at her. She was concentrating real hard on the texting. Finally, I asked. "Who are you talking to?" She looked up at me, her eyes blinking as she had been broken out of a trance and in a way she was.

"Uhhh..." She started. "Come on tell me." I urged. "Niall..." She said. I was sort of shocked. "You're really texting him?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah." She said. "So you guys really hit it off then?" I asked.

I admit, I was jealous. Not for the fact that it was Niall but the fact that they were textng and Harry and I were not. I was kind of bummed but I really was not going to let it show.

She would feel bad if she thought that I was upset. "Hey do you just want to sleep down here? We can pull out the bed in the couch and watch movies." I said. She looked up after she replied back to Niall.

"Yeah lets do that." She agreed. I got up to go to the hall closet. I opened the door and pulled out some blankets and pillows that we kept for guests. I was glad that I had already changed.

I was too tired to climb up those stairs. When I came back into the living room Rose was off the couch and she had taken the cushions off. Together we pulled out the bed and se it up.

It took only about 30 seconds. I handed her a blanket and I spread out mine for my side. Rose did the same with hers. Then she plopped down on her belly and was typing away on her phone.

I plugged my charger in and sat my phone down on the table. It would be fully charged incase someone texted me. Ok when I say this, I really mean when Harry texts me. If he does.

Hmmm. Well anyway, we decided to watch Step Brothers. I wonder if Harry has seen it? She was still texting Niall but she wasn't making me feel Third Wheel or anything which was nice.

It was the part when they were making bunk beds and it collasped. I was laughing very hard. "Shut up you're gonna wake up Nancy!" She said. That just made me laugh harder. BOOOM!!!

Rose jumped. "What was that?" She asked. A shot of light from the outside of the window answered her question. It was thunder and lightning. It hadn't rained all day but it looked like it was going to and now it ws finally here.

I cuddled deeper in my blanket. The rain was going to make me fall asleep. I was sure of it. Rose knew it too. "You want me to turn it off?" she asked. I shrugged. "You don't have to." I let her know.

"It's ok." she said. She grabbed the remote and turned off the T.V. I turned over and laid on my side. That's where I was the most comfortable. I was almost asleep when I heard a phone go off.

I figured it was Rose's so I closed my eyes. "Hey Ad, thats you." she said. I opened my eyes and reached up to grab my phone. I had a new text messaged. I clicked "read" and this is what it said:

"When I said that I wasn't afraid of a little rain, I meant it. But that has nothng to do with all of these big booms and such"

There was no signature, but there didn't need to be. I knew exactly who it was, with a big smile on my face I texted him back.

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