Chapter 19 Relapse

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Chapter 19 Relapse

(Addy's Point Of View)

Beep...Beep...Beep.. My eyes opened. I looked around the room.

Ugh.. Oh no. Sleep was coming over me again. My eyes shut and I slipped back into the darkness.

(Harry's Point of View)

My head was dropped in front of me. My eyes stung from crying. I looked over at Addison who was in a deep sleep. My baby. Her mother had a hard talk with me earlier. Now I felt like my chest was going to concave. I knew that this was a possibilty but why would it happen to us?

(Flash back)

I was in the waiting room anxious. Emma was still with the doctors. It had been over an hour. What was taking so long?

I pinched the bridge of my nose and looked down. On my right I felt someone rub my back.

It was Liam. I kept thinking of the worse and my face got wet. Oh, I was really losing it. Liam rubbed my back and I looked up at him for support.

"It will be okay." He told me.

A few more tears escaped my eyes but I didn't care. "But what if it's not?" I asked.

He then leaned in and gave me a hug. It wasn't like one of those hugs that you did for the camera. It was a real hug. He pulled away.

"Thanks a lot, Liam." I said wiping my eyes.

"It's not a problem. I'm always here." He told me.

Then as if right on cue Emma came through the back doors. She looked stress and her eyes were red. "Harry I need to talk to you." She said.

I stood up. "Yes. Of course." I told her getting anxious again.

"Let's go to the cafeteria." SHe said.

I sat us down a cup of coffee. Her idea. I couldn't really consume anything at the moment.

She took a long drink, she was stalling, I knew it. "Emma. What's going on?" I asked, tired of waiting. I just had to know.

She set her coffee down. "They have run some tests. She has Osteosarcoma." She told me looking directly into my eyes.

I was confused. I've never heard of that before. "What is that?" I asked.

She sighed. "It's a severe bone cancer. A piece of cake is what she had last time compared to this. Her bones are going to become very brittle. The doctors say with the medicene they're going to give her that it will be about 8 months before that happens. She'll start chemotherapy as soon as possible. She'll stay here a month." She explained to me.

I felt as if I got punched in the stomach. "Are you serious?" I asked running my hands through my hair.

She nodded. "You may go see her. She's awake." She told me.

What! She's away and nobody told me? "Of course." I said.

We stood up and left our coffee at the table. I followed her down the hall to a closed room as we went to go in the room a nurse came out.

"Is she still awake?" Emma asked.

The nurse nodded. "She's waiting for you." She said to me.

I wanted to push past them to get to Addy but I refrained myself. Emma looked at my placing her hand on my shoulder. "I'll let you guys be. I'll wait in the waiting room." She told me.

I nodded. "Thank you." I said.

After she left I walked into the room quietly shutting the door behind me. I walked past the curtain and saw Addy's bed.

She looked horrible. Her hair was pulled out and a mess from her braid, her face so pale, and her eyes drooping. As soon as she saw me she grinned.

How could she even smile right now? I felt my eyes tear up again. My baby was so sick. Her eyes went wide when she saw my tears.

Her arms reached out to my and I layed next to her and hugged her.

"Oh Harry please don't cry." She begged holding my close.

I carefully squeezed her body close to mine. I felt if I held her too hard, I would break her. "Addy." I cried.

She rubbed my back as I cried on her. I felt terrible for what I said earlier in the night. She shuld have thrown me off her bed and told me to get lost. That's what I deserved.

Instead she comforted me, rubbing my back and telling me that everything was going to be okay. I loved her, I knew I did, but I had no idea how to tell her.

I looked up at her face. "I'm so sorry Addy." I said.

I tried to kiss her, bt she wouldn't let me. Was she still mad at me?

"Don't be. Never be sorry for me." She told me looking straight in my eyes.

1 Week later

(Addison's point of view)

I was at my house packing a few things for the hospital. I was trying to be strong. For Mom. For me. But it was hard. I thought I was done with this. Done with the hell I was in for three years.

I reached up and ran my fingers through my hair. A single tear fell down my cheek. I had just got this back. I knew the drill though.

All I could take was several pairs of pajama's, books, my diary and my favorite stuffed animal. I'd be there for a month. The hardcore chemo was going to make me sick. Very, very sick.

Harry was supposed to be gone the before before but he stayed. He wanted to make sure that I was going to be okay. I had assured him that I would be fine but he insisted on staying.

Honestly, it mad me feel good that he cared so much. Speaking of Harry, when I turned around with my bag he was there. He hurried over to me to take it.

"Let me, babe." He said.

We had forgiven each other about our fight and now I realized that I couldn't ever stay mad at him. I had no idea what I would do if I ever lost him.

I handed it over without a fight. I was happy to do it. The medicene that they had me on made me sleepy and weak. I hated it so much.

"Where's Mom?" I asked as he pushed his hair out of his face.

He grinned at me. "She'll meet us there. We're going to take a little detour." He told me.

I got a little excited. "Where are we going?" I asked, hopeful that he'd tell me.

He gave me a devil smie. "You'll see." he said with a wink.


Addy has caner :'( it's back. Poor Addy and poor Harry. What is he going to do if something happened to her.... I'm excited for the next chapter. It's been my favorite so far. Love you guys!!!! Vote and Comment!!!


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