Chapter 27 Breakdown

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Chapter 27 Breakdown

(Harry’s Point of View)

            It was a long thirty minute wait with Emma, Paul, Rose and Megan. Mary had to call them. I was not emotionally stable enough to talk to anyone. I sat on a bench in the waiting room waiting on Dr. Winchester.

            I couldn’t take it anymore. I jumped up to my feet. I chewed on my nails and stomped my feet. “What the fuck is taking them so long?” I spit through my teeth.

            Emma flinched. Rose looked up at me through her red, blotchy eyes. “Harry.” She said sternly.

            I ignored them and paced around the hall. Only a few  long minutes later the Doctor showed up.

            I came to a halt. My breathing quickened and I started to shake again. I needed to see Addison, to make sure that she was okay.

            He sighed and looked down. Could he really not look any of us in the eye? Emma stayed seated with Megan and Paul, Rose stood up with me.

            “What’s going on” Emma asked calmly.

            “I’m sorry to inform you, but at approximately 6:52 Addison passed away. We brought her back once but she kept slipping. Her time was over.” He explained.


            I threw myself down in a crouched position and pulled oh my hair. Oh my god… No…. No fucking way. This was not happening.

            I stood up and slammed my fist into the wall. I stayed against the wall and cried. I felt hands on my back.

            “Come here.” Rose said.

            I turned toward to her and she wrapped her arms around me while I cried into her shoulder. “It’s okay, it’s going to be okay.” She said both to me and herself.

            I hugged her back and closed my eyes. If Rose had been a little shorter she would have been about the same size of Addison.

            I pushed away from her. “I have to get out of here.” I said.

            I ran down the hall and found the nearest exit. Instead of going downstairs I went up. I tripped once but other than that I ran to the very top.

            Out of breath, I expected the roof door to be locked but it wasn’t. I opened the door and wondered around.

            It was snowing. The first snow, of the winter. A tear ran down my face. It was cold but I didn’t care.

            I sat down before laying down and looking at the darkening sky. I laid there and thought about Addison, all of the memories coming back, me experiencing them all over again.

            The first time I saw her, the first time I held her in my arms. Our first kiss. The times we wrestled around in bed, just laughing and having fun.

            “Addison…Addison…” I whispered over and over again. I wasn’t ready to let go or lose her. I couldn’t deal with this.

            I stayed there on the ground all night…freezing and thinking about Addison. I heard her and saw her in my head. I couldn’t get her out of it. I would have done anything to see her again.

            I stood up off the ground, running my hands up and down my arms for warmth. What could I do?

            I went over to the ledge of the building and wiped the snow off with the sleeve of my coat. I climbed up and stood on the edge.

            Don’t look down, don’t look down, I told myself in my head.

            But of course I didn’t listen. Wow, that’s a long way down. I could almost hear aloud, her calling my name. “Harry….” Her voice whispered in my ear.

            A real voice saying my name scared the shit out of me. So much that I wobbled, my legs were already shaking. I knew that I was going to fall. Somebody wrapped their arms around my legs and pulled me back to the safe side.

            I fell to the ground and felt a sharp pain to the left side of my face as Louis slapped me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? This is definitely not the way to handle things. I came as soon as I heard to when I get here you are missing?! Do you really think this is what she would have wanted? You will get through this. We can help you.” He told me.

            He was right. I felt so stupid. I started to cry again and he pulled me into a hug. “You’ll get through this.” He repeated.

            I pulled away and wiped my eyes. “I’m sorry Lou.” I told him. I should have been thanking him, he had save me from making a huge mistake.

            “Are you ready to go?” he asked.

            I nodded and he helped me get to my feet.

 (A couple of hours later)

            I sat in the heat of the bath tub at Louis’ hotel room. He was at Emma’s getting my stuff. He didn’t think I could handle doing it myself. I didn’t blame him though.

            We had decided that we weren’t going to tell anyone what had happened on the roof. We didn’t want anyone to think I was crazy or anything.

            When I had finally thawed out, I stood up wrapping a towel around my waist. I put on my underwear and a pair of Lou’s sweatpants. I dried my hair as much as I could and lounged out on his bed.

            Dozing off, I jumped to hear my phone go off. Who would be calling? Maybe it was Lou. I looked at my home screen and it said “Ed Sheeran”.

            Besides the lads, he was someone who  I could talk to about anything. Lou was right. I couldn’t keep shutting everyone our so I answered the phone.

            “Ello,” I greeted than cleared my throat.

             “Harry?” he asked. He was obviously surprised that I had answered.

            “Yeah, what’s up?” I said. I prayed that he wouldn’t talk about Addison, but lately of course, things weren’t exactly going in my favor.

            “I heard…. I’m very sorry. He told me.

            I nodded. That wasn’t exactly it but it was close enough. “Thank you, Ed but I’m not very keen on talking about that right now.” I let him know.

            He was quiet then. It was hard to make him uncomfortable but that was what I had done. I bit my lip.

            I gasped. It was as if a light bulb had gone on in my head. I had the perfect idea. “Hey Ed, do you think I could visit for a couple of days before the funeral?” I asked.

You know how you can tell Andrea’s about to fuck shit up and make it better? She posts two chapters in two days hahahhaha love you!!!!!


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