Chapter 10 Dinner

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Chapter 10 Dinner

"So what are we going to make?" Perrie asked, turning around in the passenger seat. Eleanor had her eyes on the road but you could tell that she was listening.

Rose and I looked over at Megan since she was the brains in this operation.

With all of the attention pointed at her, her face got a little pink. "Well I was thinking of maybe making a home made pizza. I can make a great sauce." She said.

I should have known! Not to sound too British but Megan made a wicked home made pizza.

Perrie smiled and nodded. "That sounds good, but we better make a few because Niall will eat one by himself and well you know how boys are." She said and then she winked.

Rose was excited. "Just wait until you guys try this, it's absolutly amazing." She told them.

Ok, really? Maybe it was time that we quit hanging out with British people. Ha, ha sike.

Eleanor drove us to a local store or what they call a shop. Before we got out of the car, Eleanor put her hair up and sunglasses on. Perrie did something similar.

"What's with all the get up?" I asked.

They both turned around and looked at me confused. "What?" Eleanor asked.

"I mean, what's with the hair thing and the sunglasses?" I asked, restating my question.

"Ohhh, yeah it's kind of like a disguise thing. Sometimes some shoppin' would be nice if you didn't have people following you around asking about the boys, it gets annoying." Perrie explained.

I understood. They didn't want to be seen as them. Just normal people.

We got out of the car and decided that Megan could control the cart since she was the one who knew exactly what to get.

Megan was off in her own little world, filling the cart up with everything she needed. Rose and I kind of stayed together, our own little pack. I don't know about Rose but I was intimadated by Perrie and Eleanor.

I mean look at them, both are extrordinary beautiful, famour to the world and not just because they are dating Louis and Zayn but models and singers, holy crap.

Here we were, just ordinary girls who just also happen to be dating boys from One Direction.

"Ad...Addison!" Rose said breaking me out of my trance.

"I'm sorry what?" I answered.

"What do you want on your pizza?" Megan asked.

"Peporoni." I answered automactically.

Eleanor clapped her hands. "Oh me too! We'll have to share." She said giving me a big smile.

I smiled back. "Great." I said.

We were in the frozen food aisle when my cell phone buzzed. I pulled it out to see who texted me. I grinned when I found out that it was Harry.

"I miss you." -Harry

Aww! I felt the butterflies flutter in my stomach. We had been away from each other for maybe a half hour and he missed me?

I pushed my phone up to reveal my keyboard and texted him back.

"Aww, how sweet. I miss you, too!" -Addy

I closed my phone and put it in my pocket.

"Hey Ad, will you go get some salad mix?" Megan asked me.

I nodded. "Sure." I said.

I walked to the front of the store to where the fruits and veggies were. I went up to the lettece and searched the bags of salad to see which one that I should get.

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