Chapter 23 Now or Never

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Chapter 23 Now or Never

            It was around 1:00 a.m. when Harry and I made it back to our hotel room. He was so exhausted but at the same time he was wound up. I would be too if I had won three VMA’s just a couple hours before.

            I was thinking about not using my plan on him because he seemed so tired. Hey, it was now or never, right?

            Harry was sitting down in a dining room chair on his laptop updating Twitter, no doubt.

            I bit my lip nervously and tiptoed up behind him sliding my arms around his neck, kissing him on the cheek softly.

            One of his arms reached up to rub mine. “What’s up honey?” he asked.

            I bent down further so that I could whisper in his ear. “You got me thinking about that tub so I was going to turn it on and have a bath.”

            He nodded. “Yeah?” He said, knowing that I was going to continue.

            “And I was wondering if you wanted to come.” I finished, also letting out a breath of relief. I prayed to God that he wouldn’t hear it and be able to tell how nervous I was.

            He gasped a little but quickly recovered. “Are you… Are you sure?” he asked turning to look at me.

            I nodded. “Yeah.” I said, standing back.

            “How about I go get it ready and you go get a robe on or something.” He said, his voice sounding very excited.

            Maybe it was the nerves, I told myself. I had about a dozen butterflies flying around n my stomach and my hands were tingling. Oh, god. Please don’t let me make a fool out of myself.

            “Okay.” I said.

            He grinned and then leaned in giving me a sweet kiss on my lips. He turned around and headed to the bathroom.

            My hands were shaking now. I balled up them into fists and threw my hands to my sides. I stomped to the bedroom to get ready.

            Now or never, I chanted in my head. I pulled off my robe from the back of the door and threw it on the perfectly made bed. I reached behind me, unzipping my dress and let it fall to the floor. I unhooked my bra and took off my underwear.

            Was I supposed to wear a swimming suit? Oh, don’t be stupid, you aren’t going in there to go swimming, you know.

            I wrapped myself in the short think robe and looked in the mirror. Should I put on some makeup to make me look somewhat decent?

            No, it will run off in the water and you’ll look even worse.

            I huffed. Why did I have to make myself like shit all the time?

            I put my fingers on my temples and started pacing around the room. Can I do this? It’s Harry, I have nothing to be shy over. I went over to the door. This was my idea and I damned well wasn’t going to back down.

            I twisted the knob and went through the hall and to the bathroom. I went to knock but quickly changed my mind. I opened the door and peeked my head inside.

            Harry was already in the tub soaking. “Addison?” he called.

            How did he hear me? I couldn’t get out of this now. “Yes.” I said. I walked into the bathroom and over to him.

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