Chapter 21 Chemotherapy

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Chapter 21 Chemotherapy

Harry was flipping through the channels, bored out of his mind. I had been here for a week and I felt so sick.

He sighed loudly and quite obnoxiously.

"Nobody asked you to stay." I said annoyed. He sat in the chair sluggish. He looked over at my surprised that I was talking. I was trying my best to keep quiet. It helped with my stomach.

"I'm just bored babe, I'm sorry." he said reaching out to take my hand.

I sat up to take his and I felt nauseous. I was going to get sick, I could feel it creeping up my throat. I covered my mouth and reached down to get the trash can in the room. I had a hard time getting to it.

Harry jumped up and put the trash can under my mouth. He pulled my hair out of my face while I threw up. I coughed loud and gagged.

God, this is so gross, I thought to myself.

I was embarrassed that Harry was witnessing this. I kept my face in the bucket. "You don't have to sit in here while I do this." I let them know.

He rubbed my back. "You know I'll never let you go through this by yourself." He said.

I looked at him and covered my mouth. "Thank you" I said. That was very sweet of him to say.

He ran his fingers through my hair and pulled his hand in front of him. He was repulsed at what he saw. Between his fingers was several strands of my hair.

Oh, no. It was already happening. He quickly pulled them off his fingers and into the trash. "I'm so sorry Addy." He told me, terror in his eyes.

I pulled the can back to me and threw up more.

* * * * * * I laid for a little while after that. I was careful when I laid on my hair, scared that more was going come out. I cried. It was just so stressful that I was going through this again. To think it was going to get worse was unbearable.

Harry reached over and squeezed my hand. "Babe, it's going to be alright. You'll be beautiful even if you don't have hair." He promised.

I decided to ignore that. "When does the tour start up again?" I asked instead.

He blushed a little bit even though I had no idea why. "Well...erm... actually it started about four days ago." he admitted.

My eyes went wide. "Well what happened?" I asked starting to get impatient.

He shrugged. "They went. I stayed. The fans understand." he said coolly.

I sat up, a little mad. "What do you mean?! Why would you stay? Your job is important. You can't ruin everything for me!" I exploded.

I hadn't meant so sound so harsh but I couldn't let him do this to himself. I might not be around that much longer and if he gave up his career what would he do?

He was stunned that I had yelled at him. But it was all true. "I can't leave you." He told me.

He tried to kiss my cheek but I pulled away from him. "Harry I know and that means so much to me. You know it does but you cannot give up everything for me. I forbid you." I said firm.

He narrowed his eyes at me but didn't say anything.

"When does the whole tour end?"I asked finally letting my fingers lace through his.

His eyes wondered to the floor. "A month and a half. You'd be here all by yourself" He told me.

I shook my head. "No, I won't. Mom comes everyday after work and Rose and Megan after school. You know that." I told him.

He slouched back in the chair. I had won another argument. Ha,ha,ha.

"Oh, okay. I'll call Louis to tell them that I'm coming back." He told me standing up.

I pressed the button on my bed to raise it up so I could sit up all the way. "Thank you babe." I told him.

He leaned down and gave me a sweet kiss. "Your wish is my command." he told me pressing his lips to my forehead. That made me think of our dance and I blushed.

He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and stepped out of the room. I picked the remote up off the table and looked through the menu to see what was on. I settled on the good old fashioned news.

I hadn't been here too long, but I hadn't felt like I've been cut off from the world. I wasn't surprised that one of the headlines was about One Direction. I was surprised that it was about me, too.

"Is Harry Styles girlfriend, Addison Harris, stopping Harry from going on tour?"

My eyes grew wide as I continued to listen. There was a picture of Harry looking rough, his hand through his hair. He looked so stressed. I knew that it was because of me. I was a huge burden on him and he needed to get away.

"Why are you watching that?" Harry asked before he shut the door.

I turned around and looked at him. I shrugged. "I don't know." I lied.

He came over and took the remote out of my hands switching off the T.V. He moved me over a little bit so that he could sit down. "You know what they're saying isn't true." He let me know.

"Isn't it?" I asked.

He looked at me as if I slapped him in the face. "What is that supposed to mean?" He asked.

I really didn't want him to be mad at me but it's also the way they I really felt. "I agree with them. That's why I'm making you go back." I reminded him.

He buried his face into my neck and held me close, his nose tickling me. "Don't ever think that way, baby." He said.

Sigh. I was never going to win, I thought to myself. "Okay." I lied.

I snuggled closer to him. "By the way. When are you leaving?" I asked curious.

He kissed my chin. "Tomorrow." He said.

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