chapter 1 - she's just so...

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"MALIA!" I yelled down the hallway as I came out of my form room, catching her just in time, I run up to her excitedly and tell her we have art which I'm so happy about as she's finally convinced the teachers to let her move to my art class.
"YAY!" She shouts in excitement, I suddenly start to gaze into her eyes as she jumps about all excited, watching her all happy, there's just something about it, she's just so… pretty.

*Times skip*
3rd period(art)

"Hi sir sorry I'm late, fight happened on the way." I lie using the first thing that pops into my head
"ok, the students ok?"
"Yeah nothing really happened they just blocked the path" I laugh as I walk to my seat next to Malia
"hiiii" she says as I smile at her
"hi" I say back as I drop my bag and slump down in the seat next to her.
"What are we supposed to be doing?"Malia asks clueless, i can't help but look at her eyes and wish that she would just grab my waist and kiss me at any moment. I snap out and blink
"huh?" I say all confused
"What are we supposed to be doing?" She repeats softly
"Oh, umm" I think for a minute "oh yeah, we're drawing a design for a sculpture I think" I reply unsurely
"Atleast one of us knows" Malia laughs
And we joke around the rest of the lesson drawing our abstract sculptures, god I love her laugh, she's so funny, her smile, I love the way her eyes squint when she smiles, she's so pretty.
I just wish she knew how I felt about her.

*Time skip*
After school

"Hii I'm home" I shout up the stairs to my mum as I come through the door.
"Hi bailey how was school?" My mum asks
"It was good, Malia's finally in my art class" I reply happily.
"Well that's good" she calls as she runs down the stairs, "by the way, me and your dad are going up to Weston super mare for the weekend so you will be home alone for two days, since you're old enough to do so" my mum adds, my eyes light up as I think of loads of things to do while they're gone.
"Ok" I reply "when are you going up?" Later today actually, around 7" she says
"Ok have fun" I smile, although I'm kind of annoyed they're going without me but also happy as I have the whole house to myself.

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