chapter 3 - the woods

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*Saturday morning*
I text Malia "what time should I pick you up?"
She answers "anytime really, I was ready ages ago" so I grab my car keys and start driving to Malia's, excited for the sleepover. I arrive in about 10 minutes and Malia is already waiting at the front door, she must've  been excited too. I roll down the window and yell
"hiii." And wave
"Hii" she waved back, I lean over to push her door open so she can get in the car. As she starts to sit down I look at her as she turns her head to look at me, I stare into her eyes deeply wishing she would just lean in and kiss me. I blink and realise that I've just stared at Malia for a good minute. I hope she didn't notice
"what was that!?!" I think to myself "I'm so stupid"
I start to drive back and decide we will just stop by the shops on the way to buy some snacks, we get a good variety and pay using my parents' money. Malia and I get back to my house and drop off the snacks before hanging out in the woods near my house.

We're running in the woods chasing  eachother around before getting to the rope swing that was hung from a tree , we start to mess around and I run behind the swing to push malia further,she starts to laugh and I push the swing so far it starts spinning and I catch her just in time for the swing to get to me, I grab the rope and stop the swing accidentally spinning her to face me, we lock eyes and her laughing starts to fade, we just stare deep into each others eyes as I'm holding the swing around her, I lower the swing to flat ground so it doesn't keep swing ing and my hand slips onto Malia's thigh as we both lean in to kiss, her lips are so soft ,I think to myself. My other hand moving off of the other rope and grasps her waist, my other hand also moving up to her waist. I pull her in closer, her still sat on the swing and I'm still stood up as I start pulling her in closer and closer, her legs spread out around me as I passionately kiss her soft lips.
She slowly pulls away.
"Did she not like it?" I think to myself. I pull my phone out and check the time, still thinking about the kiss and why she pulled away.
"It's getting late, I think we should go home, don't you?" I ask trying not to make things weird between us as there was already tension.
"Yeah good idea" she replies with a smile
"Atleast she's smiling, that's good" I think as we start walking back to my house

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