chapter 26 - school again

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After a night in the caravan i wake up on a school morning to my alarm, "already?!" I groan as I uncover myself, not excited for school. Malia is already up eating cereal by the counter,
"Look at you miss productive" I taunt as I grab the pop tarts and put one in the toaster. She laughs at my stupidity, putting her bowl down and going into the bathroom. The toaster pops, making me jump and shudder, the shower sounding as I sit down to eat my pop tart.

After finishing my pop tart, I wander into the bathroom, "malia, just thinking, how are we supposed to both shower in one morning?" I hint,
"We could share?" She exclaims through the loud water noises,
"You said it first!" I shout, undressing and joining her under the shower head, taking a look at her beautiful body, we wash and get out to change into our uniform, it's too early for anything too fun so we just kiss in the mornings,
"Babe" malia smiles "I love you."
"What a coincidence, I love you too" I answer back before we leave the caravan door and go into my other car for school. I tiredly drive to school with malias hand on my thigh, stroking g it with her thumb as she talks calmly about how happy she Is we are living together, I can't help but smile as her hand moves up my leg. We reach school and I get out, opening the door for malia and grabbing her bag for her. I get a sudden uneasy feeling as I walk through the school door, the boiling heat hitting me straight away as I walk past reception. I walk to form, parting ways with malia, the most excruciating thng about year 11 is the exams and I have my maths exam in a bit so I drop my bag off at tutor.
"Sir, you got a spare calculator I can borrow?" I ask my tutor, leaning over to see if he has one.
"You're in luck, it's the last one, good luck on your exam" he passes the calculator and nods as I leave. We all file into the sports hall and slump down at our singular desks, I scan the room, looking for a familiar face or even the same hair, I finally spot her bright orange hair across the room,
"EYES DOWN" a sudden voice booms from the front of the hall, I shoot my eyes towards the voice, the teacher's giving me the deadliest death Stare I've ever seen until I stare down at my paper, too embarrassed to think. "You're exam starts... NOW" I jump as the teacher yells and everyone turns their pages to start scribbling answers.

*time skip*

The time runs out,
"Close your test papers!" The teacher shouts across the hall "your exam has ended"

We can finally leave the hall and I go back up to my tutor to pick up my bag, I have no more tests later today so I decide to skip, I sneak off campus and take out my phone and open messages,

I slip my phone into my pocket and get in the car to drive back home after noticing a teacher come in and park near my car.

*time skip*

I drive back into school at 3:20 and step out to find malia, waving once I see her. Malias face brightens as she notices me and before I even have time to smile she runs towards me and wraps her arms around my shoulders, hugging me tightly. Shocked and in love, I lower my hands to her hips and wrap around her waist as I feel a heavy weight lift from my shoulders. I close my eyes and lay my head on her shoulder, feeling her arms around me.
"You okay babe?" I whisper as I pull away to come face to face with her,
"Yeah, just... you" she smiles and then leans in to kiss me gently on the lips. I pull away,
"Careful, aren't you still not out" I hush quietly, smiling.
"I don't care" she breathes, looking up at me before leaning up and kissing me again.
We drive back to the van and close the blinds the second we get in,
"So... malia" I say, caressing her cheek as I come in closer to her "some things came in the post and I think you've deserved to give them a try... with... me" I smirk, turning to grab the amazon box  I had put on the bed earlier.

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