chapter 18 - the spot

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It's now Friday and I come into school late into 2nd period, sadly this lesson is history, my teacher is so boring, he just rambles in about shit and treats us like toddlers. The lesson finally ends and I meet Malia.
we walk down the hallway to head to English. The lesson goes by and all I can think about is the date we have tomorrow. I physically can't wait. The teacher had permanently moved Malia next to me now so we had the whole back row to ourselves. I notice her fiddling with her fingers so I slowly sneak my hand on hers to stop her. I notice her begin to get flustered as her body becomes stiff. Her face flushed red as she tried her best to ignore me. I slowly move my hand over to her thigh, moving it up every few seconds. She looks at me,
"Meet me at our spot" she whispers to me before asking to go to the 'toilet' I wait a few minutes before asking,
"Miss can I go to the toilet" hoping it works
"I see, yes off you go" she smirks, knowing full well what we were doing.

I make my way down the stairs and into the assembly hall. I slip through the space between the wall and the seats to find Malia leaning against the wall, waiting for me. She starts to walk up to me slowly.
"You want me so bad" she whispers
"That's right" I whisper back to her before pulling her in closer by her tie. I move my hand up and tuck her curly, red hair behind her ear and moving my hand slowly along her jawline, stopping at her chin. I pull her chin up and closer to me, hovering my lips over hers before smashing them against them. I continue to kiss her while pulling her in by her waist and making my hands down to her ass. I start to pull her in closer and closer by her ass as she moans into my mouth. I pull away and tell her we should get back. She leaves first and I wait a few more minutes until I leave to go back to the classroom. Smiling at her as I walk in.

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