chapter 20 - the library

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The 3rd lesson of the school day finishes up and it's now lunch time. I go to the library to wait for Malia as we were going to do some 'studying'. Malia finally comes into the nook and sits down with me, getting her book. Time goes on, I look over at Malia to notice she's already peering her eyes over her book, looking at me. She quickly goes back to reading it, I smirk and chuckle, continuing staring at her I notice her legs start to widen, she continues to widen her legs, flashing her wet pussy that was barely covered by a red laced thong. I crawl over and pull her book from her face, whispering closely to her face "you know what you're doing you little slut"
She throws her head back, rolling it from left to right, widening her legs around me. I lift her chin to look at me before leaving a short kiss upon her soft lips. "Umhm" she moans deeply as I pull away, smirking at me she lets one hand make its way to her wet pussy, rubbing it lightly with her finger before putting that finger on my lips "shh" she hushes. I can feel the tension between us as our eyes stare into one another's. I slowly lean in, kissing her neck before whispering into her ear "you sure you want me to do this here? we can go somewhere a little more... Private"
"A hundred percent, no-one comes in here at lunch" she whispers before wrapping her arms around me, resting them on my shoulders as I grab her waist to pull her in, smashing my lips against hers. My hand makes its way onto her thigh, slowly inching up before hooking one finger onto her thong to move it aside. I slip out of her arms and make my way down her body, stopping at her thighs, trailing kisses up towards her throbbing pussy. I slowly lick the walls of her clit gently before letting my tongue sink deep inside of her, curling it up in her wet pussy hole. She gasps quietly as my tongue hits her spot. "Mhhoh my go-ho-hod" she whispers, trying to contain her pleasure. She pushes her hips closer to me, letting my whole face smash into her vagina. My tongue goes up, deeper inside her as her opening clamps around my tongue, she winces and whimpers as she tries to stop her desperate moans from escaping her lips. "Mhm-i'm oh uh mh-gonna c-c-uhm uhhm" she quietly moans just as she allows cum to fill up inside of my mouth. I swallow the cum before licking the remains out of her pussy. Malia calms her body down, breathing heavily as she lets out one singular moan before violently pulling me in to kiss her, we make out continuously taking breaths between "mhm I love you" she whispers between breaths, smashing her lips against mine after finishing her sentence. The bell rings for 4th period, I pull away smiling "my house later?" I ask as we get up to go to science. "Definitely" she smiles as she grabs my hand to pull herself up "that was amazing, I needed that" she adds as we walk up the stairwell "so good" I smile before we part ways to go to our classes

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