chapter 17 - asking out

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Art comes up and I sit down next to her again, she continues with her project as do I.
"Can you help me please" she says to me
"In what way" I flirt quietly.
"Oh shut up" she laughs "I meant with my sculpture" she replies
"Oh yeah sure" I say, noticing she's now bright red in the face.
"Right th-" she stops, noticing that I've put my hand over hers when reaching for the project.
"Right where?" I say, smirking.
"What are you doing, our other friends are in here" she whispers.
"Oh right I see" i whisper back, pulling my hand away and placing it on her upper thigh instead.
"I- um- ok" she stutters, clearly flustered and blushing.
"No-one can see my hand here" I whisper as I stroke her thigh with my thumb
"Yes that's fine, just don't try any funny business" she says back to me, smiling
"Well how do you think I'm gonna manage that?" I whisper in her ear deeply as I move my hand up her thigh making her gasp in pleasure and throwing her head back.
"I mean it, no further up, ok" she whispers "you don't wanna get caught do you?" She speaks through her teeth, trying not to get attention drawn to us.
"Ok, I won't unless you want me to" I whisper longingly into her ear
"Thank you" she replies before carrying on with her sculpture.
The lesson goes on and we tease eachother the whole time when our friends can't see.
Lunch comes up and we continue to tease from under the table, while talking to our friends, none of them noticing. As the end of the day comes closer we become extremely horny and we want eachother  badly. I walk home with Malia.
"Do you maybe wanna... Come to the cinema with me on saturday, just us?" I ask Malia
"Are you asking me out?" She replies
"Yes? No? Depends, what's your answer?" I say, I made a mistake, I think to myself
"Of course I do!" she exclaims excitedly before pulling me in to hug me. "I love you" she whispers into my ear as the hug becomes longer."I've got to get home now though, see you later" she says after pulling away from the hug, I kiss her gently on the cheek before she runs to her front door, redder than a tomato. I walk away. Smiling, proud of myself.

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