chapter 14 - the party

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It's the weekend now and Brooke, Malia and loads of our other friends are having a party at Brooke's house along with most of the older side of school. As the party gets closer to starting, I start to find my favourite clothes, An oversized hoodie and some baggy ripped jeans. It comes to about an hour before I leave so I sneak to the alcohol cupboard and grab some cans and bottles of cider. As I make my way to put the drinks in the boot of my car I text Malia.

 As I make my way to put the drinks in the boot of my car I text Malia

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I head to the door and get into my car. I pick up malia at her house and we head to the party together, chatting about who we think is gonna be there first. We get to Brooke's house and get the booze out of the boot. Malia knocks on the door and Brooke lets us into her surprisingly big house. Music is already blaring and LED lights flashing in rainbows.
"I was right!" I shout over the loud music "jayla and Mia are here first!!" I shout again.
"Fine you win!" she yells back jokingly. Brooke follows us in, shutting the door behind her.
"Lemme take your drinks" Brooke shouts over the music as she grabs the bottles and cans, bringing them to the kitchen, as the party goes on, more people come knocking on the door with their friends. Malia and I are drunk and so are most of the people at the party. The party carries on, all of our friends are hammered at this point so I pull Malia aside, grab some booze and pull her into the upstairs bathroom, both of us laughing at the fact that none of our friends noticed. I shut the door behind us and put all the cans on the counter by the sink. I slowly come closer to Malia before pinning her up against the wall and leaning in to kiss her. We continue to make out, ripping eachother's clothes off. I move my hands down to her waist, grabbing her curved hips and violently pulling her in closer. I move my hands down to her ass and pick her up, her legs are now wrapped around my waist as I kiss her neck, leaving multiple hickeys. I carry her over to the sink and sit her on the ledge. I move my mouth back up to hers and we continue to make out, she continuously moans into my mouth as my tongue explores hers. Our tits smashing together as we move in closer to eachother. I continue kissing down her body as I get closer to her throbbing pussy, she's already wet. This makes me more eroused and I start to feel wet too. I curl my tongue around her black thong and move it aside as my tongue moves closer to her soaked pussy hole, jamming my tongue inside quickly and going in and out of her rapidly. She already starts to cum allover my tongue as I start to curl it around inside her, she pushes her hips closer as I shove my face further between her thighs making her moan loudly. I pull out and stand back up to kiss her. I carry her down from the sink, her legs wrapped around me again as my hands grasp her ass. I sit her on the toilet lid and rummage through the drawers under the sink for a toy of some sort. I find a brand new strap-on, not even out of its packaging. I rip it open desperately and put it on. Malia stands up off of the toilet lid and I pick her up by her ass again, shoving the strap-on inside of her cum covered pussy, she moans loudly as it goes deeper into her. I raise her up and drop her back onto the strap-on,
"Mmh bayley" she moans as the strap-on hits her right on her spot.
"Right there" she moans in my ear loudly so I drop her onto the strap-on faster and faster as she moans continuously and cums allover the strap-on and my front. I go faster and faster until she finally lets out the biggest flood of cum allover my front. She moans loudly and sighs of relief after letting that out. I shove my face into her tits before lowering her onto the floor and taking off the strap on. We both get our clothes back on and drink from loads of beer cans, crushing them and chucking them on the floor. We're both wasted and we leave the bathroom ,drunk and giggling as we make our way downstairs and make up a lie to our friends as to why we were gone for so long. We continue to dance with our friends and she teases me by grinding her ass up to me when our friends weren't looking so I tease her by grinding back at her and touching her while walking past. The party soon dies down and we drive back home late at night.

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