chapter 5 - aftercare

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Malia and I pull our clothes back on and I hand her one of my baggy shirts and watch as she throws it over her tits, it fell perfectly, she looked so cute in my shirt.
"Thanks" she smiles
"Don't worry about it, you wanna watch a movie?" I ask
"Yeah, sure" she replies
"What do you wanna watch?" I ask as I sit down next to her on the bean bag.
"Anything really" she says hesitantly, I could tell she felt like she was bossing me around so I ask
"What have you been wanting to watch lately" assuring her that she can pick
"What about heartstopper?" She says
"Great show" I reply as I scroll down to Netflix using the remote, we get to about 4 episodes in and she starts to cuddle into me and by the time the next episode starts she starts to fall asleep on my shoulder, I instantly get butterflies and become stiff, trying not to wake her up. I must have worked her hard. I chuckle to myself at my own thoughts.

As the next few episodes pass by she wakes back up and looks up at me and quickly moves away apologizing,
"it's ok" I tell her "I like being a pillow" I laugh, she chuckles back and we finish the rest of the season before starting to go to sleep. I lay my head on the bean bag and she lays next to me using the same bean bag as a pillow.

Malia turns her body towards me, and I turn my head to look at her, We have a little chat about random stuff. I go to get the big blanket so we're not freezing all night and I cover us both up, I slowly doze off but not fully. I start to feel Malia's head slowly lower onto my chest and her arm around my waist. I feel her leg hook over one of mine so that one half of her is cuddling into me, it feels nice. I use the few awake muscles in my body to reach my arm around her.

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