chapter 12 - the shower

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We arrive back at my house and I inform my mum that we're gonna sleep in the living room and skip school. She was surprisingly cool with it so I grabbed all the pillows and blankets and headed to the living room with Malia. Malia sits between my legs like earlier and I wrap my arms around her as we watch some funny and romantic movies. It gets later into the night and Malia starts to fall asleep on me, I kiss her on the head and continue watching the movie. The movie continues and she slowly wakes up.
"Did I fall asleep?" She asks cluelessly, gazing up at me.
"Yes" I laugh.
"Sorry" she says, I'm not sure why she says that really.
"Don't be sorry, it's ok" I reply as we carry on watching the movie. It starts to get later and later so we start to lay down on the sofa and fall asleep. Malia's back faced towards me. I slowly move forward and wrap my arm around her waist and move my waist in closer to hers.
"Goodnight", I whisper to her
"Goodnight", she says tiredly, we both doze off slowly in the comfort of eachother and the blankets.

*Time skip*
Friday morning

I slowly wake up, my eyes hurt as the bright sun shines through the curtains. I find Malia and I in completely different positions than the night before, I'm now on my back and coincidentally, Malia is turned over, her head resting on my chest and her leg hooked over mine. She's still sound asleep, so I wrap my arms around her and carry on cuddling her as she continues to sleep soundly on my chest.

She finally wakes up.
"Morning" I look down at her.
"Good morning" she replies, tiredly.  I check the time, it's 12:00,
"we slept for quite a while" I tell her "that means my mum left for work 3 hours ago" I say.
"Welp" she says
"You want some breakfast?" I ask her calmly "do you have those pop tarts? they're really nice" she asks
"Yes we got more flavours too" I inform her as I watch her face light up at the word 'yes'.
I go to the cupboard and grab all the pop tart boxes,
"which ones do you want?" I question her as she thinks carefully.
"Ooh, fudge brownie!" She exclaims excitedly. I put the pop tart into the toaster an wait for it to pop before bringing it to her in the living room.
"Enjoy" I laugh "I'm gonna have a shower real quick, see you in a bit" I tell her as I start to leave the room and head to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and slowly undress. I hope she follows, I think to myself as I get in and close the curtain. I start to wonder what will happen if she got in with me and I find myself touching myself, I put 2 of my fingers inside of myself as I think of Malia naked and soaked. I put in a third and go faster, I feel myself cum onto my own fingers as I imagine myself with Malia. I pull my fingers out of my throbbing, wet pussy, if only Malia were in here with me. Just as I think that, I hear the bathroom door open
"can I join you?" I hear Malia's sexy voice from the other side of the curtain, I hear her start to undress, and I reimagine what could happen.
"Get in" I say enthusiastically. A few seconds later I see Malia's naked body slowly get into the shower, my pussy starts to feel loose. I grab her waist and pull her under the shower head, her body becoming wetter and wetter. We kiss eachother continuously, both of us soaked by the shower, I move my hands down and grasp her ass, pulling my waist into her and grinding up against her. I slowly kiss down her wet neck and down to her tits. She sits down on the bench on the wall of the shower and I straddle over her legs grinding my pussy against her, I start to feel myself cum allover her front, all of a sudden she kisses me harder and grabs me by the waist, pulling my hips closer and grinding faster against her. I move to sit on the bench behind her and lay her head down close to my lap. I crawl over Malia's face, lowering my pussy into her mouth as i shove my face into her soaking wet pussy hole. I grind faster onto her face as she pushes her hips up closer. My tongue sinking inside of her. I lick faster, my tongue going up and down quickly in and out of her throbbing, wet pussy. Her cum flows quickly into my mouth, and she moans deeply into my clit. That turned me on more and more so I shove my face further inside of her. I feel myself start to flood her mouth with my cum, were both wet, cumming and moaning messes at this point. I crawl backwards, letting my tits smash against hers before my face reaches her face. And I kiss her, both of us giving eachother a taste of ourselves, we continue making out before getting up and washing eachother's bodies, touching and kissing as we do so.

We get out the shower and get redressed, then we hang out for a bit longer before driving Malia home.

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