chapter 27 - freaky

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Malia smiles after we pull away,
"feel free to do absolutely anything to me" she smirks as she undoes her shirt quickly and lays on the bed in her black, laced bra and skirt. I sit and straddle over her hips, taking out a pair of handcuffs from the box, I pin her by the wrists, the cuffs click slowly around her wrist as I cuff her to the headboard before taking a vibrator out from the box and press it onto her clit. Mala gasps out of pleasure and begins to moan as I turn up the intensity the closer I push it into her pussy slowly "mmh - fuck" she moans, pushing her hips upwards. I turn up the intensity to its max as I watch her eyes roll back as she bucks her hips, moaning profusely "mmh harder, I'm so - oh yeah mmh - fucking close" she groans, her arms shaking, rocking the bed, rocking the van as her legs shake and her body curls. I pull out and quickly lower my face to her pussy. Cum flows rapidly into my mouth while she moans loudly as she releases her pleasure around My tongue. I lick the remaining cum from her walls before coming back up and reaching into the box to notice my app controlled, wearable sex toy. I hold the toy and ask her,
"Wanna try this?"
"Fuck yeah" she moans as I undo her cuffs, she grabs the toy and attaches it to her underwear, pulling them up to, hearing the wet entry sound as I open the app.
"Mmh" malia moans,
"It's silent, gow does it feel?" I smile as I lean in to kiss her,
"Like you" she whispers between breaths as we violently begin making out, I turn it up as we moan into eachothers mouths. Malia grips my shirt and rips it off through pire pleasure and strength, I begin to cuff her to Hythe headboard again. I turn up the intensity all the way,
"oh bayley mh" malia moans loudly as we kiss violently. I pull away while she moans continuously, her hips buck as her legs shake and her arms twitch, she let's out a screech from pleasure, her back arching "oh my god - mhh holy fuck" she screams, letting her eyes roll back and her head bangs onto the mattress, shaking the bed. I turn the intensity down, letting her relax "mmh, babe I'm gonna cum" malia shouts, moaning. I uncuff her and let her pull down her underwear, cum flowing out of her wet, throbbing pussy hole and onto the mattress,
"Oh fuck" she screams, her orgasm continuing on as we kiss.

We take off the mattress cover and clean it "can I have the app link" malia asks as we shove the cover in the washing machine,
"Depends" I jokingly reply
"Revenge" malia laughs calmly with a smirk forming on her face.
"Yeah I deserve that" I laugh, taking out my phone and sending the link to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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