chapter 7 - the bathroom stall

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*Monday before school*

I leave the front door calling up the stairs "love you see you later!" To my mum,
"Love you too!" She shouts back down the stairs. I shut the door and leave for school. I get there in about 15 minutes or so and drop my bags off at form and check the timetable for the day:
I have the world's worst lessons today. The bell rings and I take out my headphones and stuff them into my bag before the form tutor walks in, my friends comes in a few seconds later,
"Hi Brooke" I say as I wave, she slumps down next to me and says
"Ughh I got absolutely no sleep, I'm so tired." That sucks I laugh knowing full well I didn't get any either, I was too busy thinking about Malia. I didn't Tell her that though, she doesn't even know.


I walk into science after break and sit down in my normal seat, I begin to get really bored and I start to think about Malia again, I raise my hand.
"Yes bayley" says the teacher pointing at me,
"Can I please go to the toilet" I ask,
"Fine" the teachers rolls her eyes as she turns to the board to carry on teaching. I quickly leave and close the door behind me. I head round the corner and to the end stall in the bathroom. I pull my phone out of my blazer pocket and open messenger to text malia

She answered surprisingly quickly and soon I hear footsteps coming down the hallway quickly

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She answered surprisingly quickly and soon I hear footsteps coming down the hallway quickly. I finally hear footsteps come to the stall followed by an knock on the stall door.
I unlock the door and pull her in by her tie, shutting the door behind us and pinning her against it. I lean in to kiss her as I pull myself in closer to her. I start to reach up to her school shirt and unbutton it slowly to reveal her black, laced bra. I pull her by the waist quickly, she moans into my mouth and I pull her and sit her down on the toilet lid, I feel my pussy become wet as I sit facing her on her lap, she unbuttons my shirt to reveal my black sports bra, we're both now kissing still wearing our unbuttoned shirts I grind my covered pussy up to her while still making out with her. I pull away and come closer to her ear,
"Now be quiet for me baby" I whisper in her ear deeply yet softly. I lower myself as I grab her thighs. I pull her skirt down slowly to reveal her underwear. I now face her covered pussy, rubbing it gently with my thumb, she gasps, trying to hold back a moan. I hook my finger over the bottom of her underwear and let it caress her throbbing pussy, slowly and gently. I pull her underwear down and grab her thighs, shoving my face into her wet pussy and licking the walls of her clit before completely letting my tongue continue into the entrance. She grabs my hand and squeezes it, trying to hold back a moan. She starts to grind closer to my face, my tongue going further into her and out again, faster and faster, her pussy starts to spill over with cum and into my mouth, I let out a muffled moan into her pussy hole. She grabs the back of my head and shoves my face further inside of her, I start licking faster and faster as she lets out a squeal, then a moan, thank god no-one was walking past. I slowly pull my tongue out from inside her as she lets out a sigh of sadness yet relief,
"Don't worry" I say "there's plenty more where that came from" I whisper back into her ear and kiss her on the lips, giving her a taste of herself. I hear footsteps come down the hallway so we both get redressed and I text her.

Malia leaves the bathroom stall and I wait in there while I wait for the end of lesson bell

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Malia leaves the bathroom stall and I wait in there while I wait for the end of lesson bell.

Word count: 699
Thought that was very fitting for the chapter lol

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