chapter 21 - my house

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Science goes on for what feels like years until it finally ends, I wait at Malia's classroom where she is finally let out with the rest of the class. We make our way to my car where we start to drive to my house "what should we do?" I ask as I pull into the driveway next to our family caravan. "Not sure, we'll have to wait and see" she replies as we both get out and shut the car doors. "Nice caravan" she adds "thanks, it's for family holiday use but we never actually use it" I reply, as if that was some sort of need to know fact, as I shut the door behind us. "Mum!" I yell throughout the house, making sure she isn't home before I say or do anything "I guess shes still at work" I shrug as I continue to lead Malia towards the living room.

Malia and I watch modern family, chatting back and back and forth about how cam is a huge red flag and how Gloria is our favourite character. She rests her head on my shoulder gently as we get more comfortable. "Babe" she says before continuing "my birthday is coming up in the half term and I was wondering if we could have a date or something" she asks as she removes her head from my shoulder, locking eyes with me "yeah, where should we go?" I reply "well. I was thinking you could surprise me, like a birthday surprise" she slyly hints, seductively gazing into my eyes. "Sounds great" I agree before leaning in to kiss Malia slowly. I place my hand on Malia's waist, feeling myself become turned on as we continue to kiss, my pussy becoming less and less dry. She straddles her legs over my lap teasing me, grinding her barely covered pussy onto my lap. My hand reaches closer and closer towards her pussy as we make out. Suddenly, a loud slam from the front door, Malia jumps up from my lap, forming a fake contented smile across her bright red cheeks. "Bayley I'm home! I got you some-" my mum shouts as the loud bang of the front door shuts behind her. "Oh hii Malia, nice to see you" mum switches up smiling at Malia "I was just going" Malia nervously stutters as she makes her way forward "don't feel pressured to leave, I got pizza for bayley if you want to share?" My mum kindly offers, making Malia turn her head eagerly at the word 'pizza' "I guess I can stay" she slyly adds, narrowing her eyes happily "I can wash your clothes and bayley can lend some PJ's" my mum offers as she walks to the kitchen to start cooking the pizza. I run up to my room with Malia and open my drawers to grab her a big t-shirt and baggy joggers, smiling as I hand it over, waiting for her to switch clothes. "Thanks" she breathes "no problem" I say before kissing her lightly on her soft lips, undoing her first button. She does the rest I stare as she slips the t-shirt and joggers on, letting the t-shirt fall from her tits.

We make our way downstairs where we are hit with the smell of meat lovers pizza being cooked "smells great miss Mae" Malia assures my mum "call me Taylor" my mum says, waving a hand in front of the open oven, wafting the steam away as she takes the pizza out with an oven glove. We head into the living room and wait while we watch modern family "I can tell my mum likes you" I whisper in Malia's ear "really?" she whispers enthusiastically as her face brightens, my mum walks in with the pizza and sets it between us in the sofa before reminding me that "I have a work event so I won't be back until late tonight, make sure to go to sleep at reasonable time, and Malia you're uniform is in the radiator in the kitchen" she calls "see you tomorrow" she adds as she closes the front door.

Malia and I finish off our pizza before brushing our teeth, I lend her a spare one in its packaging from the shops. We head up to my room, "your room is so cool" malia exclaims as she stares at all the fairy lights, LEDs and decorations I have up. She locks eyes onto my double bed, she dives into it, bringing me with her. "Whatcha wanna do?" I ask excitedly "ooh I have an idea" She suggests. "How about.." she walks her fingers up to my school shirt I had not yet taken off "we.." I start to lean in at this point, curious for what she's going to say "have sex..." She adds, "I'm liking this so far" I grin, pulling her by her waist, kissing her as I lay down under her, she pulls away "I'm not done yet" she says, sitting, straddled over me "I was gonna say, but..." She adds as I become confused "we switch roles" she seductively requests, touching my cheek gently. "Alright, bet" I smirk as she starts to lean over me, kissing me quickly as she grinds her body over me before trailing her finger down each button on my shirt, undoing each of them at a time before moving down, kissing my neck and rubbing my tits slowly but roughly, she continues to pull my trousers down slowly as I pull her joggers off. She sits up straddled over me to take her t-shirt off, letting her tits bounce as she lowers herself, grinding on me as her tits smash into my face. I let deep moans escape into her breast as she grinds our wet pussies together before she lowers herself slowly down my body, leaving a trail of kisses all the way down to my throbbing pussy. My pussy throbs faster as she licks allover my wet entrance before shoving her tongue deep inside of me "mmh" I moan as I push my hips further, her tongue reaching my spot, she curls her tongue inside of me letting me moan loudly from pleasure "I'm gonna cum oh mmh" I moan loudly, almost screaming. She brings herself back up smirking "you're not getting it that easily, you have to work for it" she whispers before kissing me lightly on the lips. "You know you want me to" I laugh before laying her down and crawling over her, straddling over her face before lowering my soaking pussy into her mouth. I grind faster onto her face as we both moan, her tongue explores me deep inside as I let her swallow the cum that finally streams out of me, leaving a pool in her mouth, she continues to lick around the walls as I throw my head back, releasing moans upon moans as I cum continuously into her mouth and on her face. She grasps my hips, pulling them down quickly and making her tongue go in further. I scream as my body becomes stiff from the pleasure "mmh oh my god" I yell, moaning before she slowly pulls her tongue out from inside my cum covered pussy hole. She licks around my flaps as I raise myself, crawling back to straddle over her lap before kissing her. She sits up "fuck... me" she smirks as if she were surprised. "Hmm maybe later" I reply smiling pulling her down and kissing her with my legs wrapped around her. I roll her over, kissing her as I moan into her mouth, leading her on "you want more?" I ask, pulling away "mmh more than ever" she moans, pulling me back in to kiss. I lay over her, kissing her as I grind on top of her. I slowly walk my fingers down her body, reaching her pussy, rubbing it before shoving 3 fingers up deep inside of her, she moans
I pump my fingers fast and hard inside of her as she moans continuously as I thrust my fingers in and out. I kiss her, silencing her moans as my fingers curl up inside her. She finally lets out a flood of cum as she moans in relief. I lick my fingers clean before grinding my pussy against hers as we both finish on eachother's. We pull away, passionately kissing before lying next to eachother under the covers. We get out and get into our pyjamas quickly as we notice how late it is. We then slowly doze off one by one in my bed.

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