chapter 9 - detention

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Malia and I walk to detention to come through the door and find the teacher welcoming us,
"I didn't realise there was a detention scheduled, I was just going to leave" the maths teacher says "I'll let the detention carry on and I'll let you leave early later when I leave"
"Kay" we reply as we look at eachother smirking. We sit down at the back of the classroom. I place my bag on my lap with the intention to hide myself as I play with myself, I reach my hand down my trousers and find my clit, placing 3 fingers in it and going in and out rapidly. I was so horny, I just wanted the room to be empty, just us, alone, together. I play with myself and look over at Millie to see that she's also fiddling with herself, that's so hot. The teacher has no clue what's happening. After a while He gets up to leave, we finish up and say we're just gonna pack our bags and we'll leave in a bit. He leaves us in the room unsupervised, alone, together. I watch him walk down the hallway before shutting the blind on the classroom door.

I start to walk up to Malia and grab her collar and lay her down onto the desk and unbutton my shirt. I crawl over Malia she reaches her hand out and grabs the zip on my sports bra, she pulls it down slowly and takes it off, letting my tits dangle in her face. She grabs both of my tits and squeezes them, rubbing her palm onto my nipples, she lets go and undoes her shirt and unclips her bra, her tits bounce out. I come down closer into her and kiss her neck, leaving a hickey or 2, she lets out a moan and pulls me in closer, our tits now smashing against one another. For a moment I realise we're in school after hours. Then I realise that the caretakers are supposed to come around and clean every classroom. I pull away from her and say
"Oh shit" Malia replies, redoing her shirt. I stuff my bra into my bag along with my tie and blazer. As I redo my shirt as Malia also stuffs her bra into her bag.
'were gonna have to finish this later" I wink.
She becomes a complete blushing mess, and then asks.
"How do we get out?"
"Follow me" I whisper as I lead her through a door that connects to another classroom. We wait in maths 5 until we hear the door in maths 4 close, we quickly run out of the classroom as we hear the hoover turn on. We sprint down the stairs and out of the stairway exit, laughing and giggling at how we got away with that. It's raining like crazy by the time we get outside. We're only in school shirts and she's in a skirts whilst I'm in trousers. We run up to the carpark in the pouring rain leaving ripples in the rainwater on the floor. We're still laughing as we finally get to the car.

I open her door before going round to open mine. We both get into the car, out of breath and soaking wet.

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