chapter 13 - imagine

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I'm driving home after dropping malia at her house, already wishing she could stay, I think back to earlier in the shower and I feel myself start to get wet, but I'm driving and there's no-one to help me. I arrive home, Still imagining her soaking wet body as I walk in through the front door. My mum still isn't home so I text Malia. I walk into the bathroom and take off my clothes, do I do it? I think to myself, I spend a while contemplating but then I go ahead. I've done it now, I've sent her the nude, I think to myself. She leaves me on opened for a while, I start to worry but then I see a notification pop up from Malia. She's sent one back. I stare at her beautiful body from the screen, her tits, her pussy, her ass, everything, I feel myself get wetter and wetter as I stare at her curves, then, I get another notification, she'd sent another one, from a different angle, oh my god, I can see her whole pussy, it's soaked and it turns me on so much. I send one at the same angle. As I stare at both of her pictures. I trail my hand down my body and into my already soaked pussy, sinking one finger at a time, going faster and faster, her nudes makes me want to fuck her right through the screen. I continue going faster and faster inside myself until I eventually cum onto my own fingers and letting out a loud moan, I moan Malia's name continuously as I go faster up and down inside me. I wish Malia were here.
"Mhm malia" I moan as I grind over my own fingers. I still look at the screen but then my eyes move to see the time.
"Shit" I exclaim, my mum's gonna come home in a bit.i think to myself as I pull my fingers out and lick them clean before cleaning myself up.

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