chapter 22 - Malia's birthday

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"Keep your eyes closed, I have a surprise" I tell Malia as I lead her closer to the surprise, holding her hips as she takes small steps, not wanting to trip as her eyes are covered by a blindfold.
"Can I open them yet?" She asks excitedly tugging at the blindfold.
"Not yet" I laugh before stopping and lifting my hands to pull her blindfold down from her eyes. "!" I exclaim as she jumps at the sight
"My mum lent us the caravan and we are gonna spend the weekend at..., drumroll please..." I say as malia hits her knees with her hands quickly like a drum, "...the beach" I shout excitedly as I watch malia's face light up and her hands clapping together as she jumps up and down in excitement, squeeling with joy as I open the door, letting her into the passenger seat.

We start to drive as we both get more excited for what's to come, first stopping at malias so i can help her get her stuff, we finally drive up to the cliff edge above the beach and park far but close enough to the edge of the grassy, remote area at the top of the cliff.
I look at malia, noticing her skirt lifting up, her thong wet as mine became wet at the sight, I just want to rip off her clothes and do all kinds of stuff to her. I set up a picnic near the edge of the cliff, we eat and gaze at the stars as the golden reflection in the water gets smaller and smaller as the sky gets darker and malia gets hotter, we continue gazing at the stars under the starry sky, in the comfort of our fluffy blanket. We begin to get cold so we run inside, sitting down on the bed.
"Oh, I have another surprise" I remember excitedly as I look at malia and zip open my beach bag, pulling out a strap-on, smirking as she smiles "happy birthday to me" she moans, lifting her skirt, showing her thong as she pulls me in to kiss, pulling me down over her as we deparately ripped each others clothes off, I begin to slowly rub my thumb over her wet pussy as i strap on my fake dick with my other hand. she lays there, naked. I crawl over her, kissing her slowly as my body grinds up on hers slowly before shoving my fake dick far up inside her throbbing pussy as she gasps and moans in pleasure, I thrust faster in and out as she moans and moans "mmh bayley" I become desperate for her, I straddle over her, shoving it in further each time as I use my hands to rub against her tits as her moans become louder. She flips me over. I'm now lead down as she rides over me. Moaning and dropping herself onto it "oh my god" she moans "I'm gonna, c-c-cum uhm" she moans as she stutters doing exactly what she says, cumming allover my fake dick as I continue to pump it inside her, her moans getting louder as she becomes desparate for more her words becoming nothing but groans, stuttering slowly as her body stiffens. I start to kiss down her body, pulling out as I do so before instructing my fake dick and locking it clean of her cum. I continue down her body, sucking her tits, before making my way down to her throbbong, wet, cum covered pussy hole, kicking the walls before shoving my tongue deep inside her, curling it as she gasps before letting out a soft moan once I finally hit her spot. She pushes hips up desparately, moaning as my tongue goes deeper inside she finally cuts again, releasing a soft moan along with it as I pull put and lock her opening clean before crawling back up and kissing her roughly on the lips as she moans loudly into my mouth once more before I pull away "happy birthday" I whisper before turning over and lying next to her before getting up to shower. Malia slowly follows after me, wanting more, I pull her into the shower as we harshly make out, starting round two as we become drenched with water.

We continue to kiss each other as I begin to wrap my hands around her, grasping her ass as I bring myself closer to her wet body, feeling her against me. My hand slowly moves round to her pussy, gently feeling around her walls before I slowly push three fingers up inside her. Malia gasps in pleasure before grinding herself further around my fingers as I pump them inside her drenched pussy, her moans becoming louder and more frequent as my fingers pump faster and harder inside of her as her soft moans break out from her lips. I finally pull out, kissing roughly before getting out of the shower and dressing in our matching pyjamas before laying in bed, cuddling as we watch Netflix together in the dark, cozy caravan.

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